
Millersville in good standing according to recent U.S. News & World Report rankings

Abigail Manbeck

News Editor

It was announced that Millersville University
has moved up in overall rankings according to
the U.S. News & World Report. The university is
currently sitting at No. 101 in the overall ranking and is tied with Champion College located in Burlington, VT. It seems that Millersville reportedly rose 15 spots since the last report. Millersville is also currently No. 19 in undergraduate teaching
programs and No. 37 in top public schools. These
are rankings for the regional universities in the
north. “We are delighted with the uptick in the rank-
ings,” Dr. Daniel Wubah shared with Millersville News. “Our rankings among the top 40 public universities in the North reflects our commitment to high-quality educational outcomes. Our current ranking gives the University room to grow. We
have much to be proud of and much to which we can aspire.”
Also from the report from Millersville News comes some thoughts from the dean of the College of Education and Human Services, Dr. Laura Wilcox.
“Millersville was founded in 1855 with the
ideals that teacher preparation and learning are essential elements of public education and engaged citizenship,” shared Wilcox. “One hundred and sixty years later, these ideals still hold. Our
goal is to provide students with the knowledge,
skills, and experiences necessary to impact the
lives of individuals, families and communities
positively. To have our program ranked among
the top 20 in the region is amazing.”
The university as a whole seems to keep its rankings in good standing along with other seemingly high rankings in other programs and areas.