The Student Government Association meets every Thursday in the Student Memorial Center. PHOTO COURTESY OF MILLERSVILLE UNIVERSITY
Breonna Dull
Features Editor
When: Millersville University Student Government Association meeting, April 11, 2024.
Fall ‘24 Budget: Director of Finance Braden Button, presented the proposed Fall 2024 budget for student organizations. The budget determines how earnings from the student activity fee will be spent.
The biggest adjustments from last year include:
- $10,000 for vents and activity events
- $40,000 for competition grant
- $20,000 from operations
- $30,000 from Campus Life
- $3,600 from Campus Recreation
Representative report: Safety representative Dominick Delorenzo reported that air conditioning and heating settings are budgeted to turn on and off at a scheduled time. This year, air conditioning was scheduled to begin in May. However, warmer weather has urged for an earlier start. A petition, started April 11, has raised over 70 signatures to upgrade the HVAC systems in Osburn Hall. Maintenance is aware of the community’s concerns and is working on bringing the HVAC systems back online.
What’s next: SGA meetings are over for the Spring 2024 semester. To stay updated on student government events and meetings, follow @millersvillesga on Instagram and keep an eye out for their Fall 2024 schedule.