Keeping a Routine During a Pandemic

In this time of a global pandemic, it may seem like routine is impossible to find. Everything seems out of order and we are all trying to get used to this “new normal” of trying to live our lives from inside our homes.

However, in this time of uncertainty, schedules are critical to keeping some sense of normalcy alive. Experts say routines and schedules are extremely beneficial to children, especially during difficult times.

There are many different things that you can implement to create some structure and routine for yourself and for your kids, even while you are stuck inside all day.

Create a Daily Schedule 

One of the most important things you can do for your child during this time is to stick to a set routine. Having a start and end time for doing schoolwork is very helpful. Also, including lots of breaks for eating and playing are essential and will help break up the day. The goal is to make it seem as similar to a normal school day as possible.

Setting Up the Right Environment

Try and create a space that is designated specifically for doing schoolwork. It is important to limit distractions in that space as much as possible. Your child will work and learn better in an environment that is quiet and comfortable.

Get Creative

During this time, we all need to be flexible and adapt to the situation. It is important to try to have fun through this! Try and make something like creating a schedule a fun activity for the whole family. Ask your child for input on when they would like to have a snack break or playtime. Write out the schedule and let your child color and decorate it however they would like!

Make the best of this time and don’t forget to take care of yourself! Self-care is imperative to your health and well-being and the well-being of your child. Even if your child isn’t directly experiencing trauma, they can still sense and pick up on the stress and worry of adults and others in the house.