R2P reflection

As I look back:

Reflecting on Reflection Through Professional Conversation ...

I found this assignment very stressful at the beginning of the semester. I was not one for blogging and thought that this was going to be very draining in the aspect of a grade. However, I found this assignment very beneficial. I like exploring the blog once I got used to what I was writing about and what I using in the blogs. I definitely found to like blogging about different things. I turned out to like this assignment a lot.


As I look ahead:Looking Into The Future | Northstar Church

I would like to keep up with blogging once I get my own classroom. I think that this is a great way to show what is going on inside the classroom. I think that this would be a great idea to keep up because parents would be in the loop of what is going on in their child’s education. Since phones and computers are such a big factor this would be very easy for parents, guardians, and students to access anywhere. I plan to have a blog post about homework for the week along with any important information for the classroom.