Teachers, are you stressed, flustered, confused????

First off….You, teachers, rock! You have had one of the hardest career twists that could possibly be thrown at you. Good job to you for adjusting the best you can!

Teachers are you stressed? Flustered? Confused? 

Hello and welcome back to my blog. If you have not yet, check out last week’s blog about how to Have fun in Quarantine!?!?! This week is all about you, your teachers who are probably stressed, confused, or do not know how to change your curriculum into something manageable for children to do at home and learn at the same time. I cannot imagine how the next school year is going to be because of the gaps in the information of what the child should already know. But, do not panic. Below I have listed a few ideas that we as teachers (and even parents if needed), can take to calm our bodies during this time of who knows what is going to happen next. Let’s be real…. your mind is probably looking a little like this——> What happens to your body when you're stressed Do not panic. It is all going to be okay. Say it with me, ” We can get through this together.”

Help!!! I am stressed!!!!

Nature is one of the most beautiful places to go to. Go outside. Take a walk by yourself, your dog, your kids, your significant other. Whoever it is, go outside and take a breather. We know it is a difficult time adjusting…everyone had to do some adjusting. Go outside and enjoy the nature around you or go to a local park while keeping the social distance. Going outside is one of the best therapies you can get. Smells of Nature Lower Physiological Stress | The Scientist Magazine®

Go and just relax after a stressful 30 minutes, an hour, or whatever it was. You can do it. You do not have to sit at a computer for eight hours right now. It is okay.

Reunite With Your Body | Yoga With Adriene - I Yoga           Yoga

Just like the paragraph before, going outside on a walk can be exercised. Another way you can have fun while in a stressful situation and unwind is YOGA. ahhhhhhh yoga. peaceful. quiet. relaxing.

Yoga with Adriene is a great way to unwind. I have personally done some of her yoga videos during this quarantine, and it was so relaxing. I have attached her YouTube channel at the beginning of the paragraph. If you find yourself in a frustrating time, please consider yoga. It is great for the mind and the body.


during this time it is hard to remember yourself in situations. It is hard to remember that you have a new routine that you had to get into. You had to commit to sitting at a computer and not standing in front of the little energetic bunch of kids that you love and adore. Take time for yourself. Take the time to relax. Whether it is simply taking a bubbly bath, sitting outside reading your favorite book, cooking your favorite dessert or dish, or just simply spending time by yourself in your own little world. It is 100% to take care of yourself first then other people. If you are not yourself, you do not want to impact how others are seeing you.

After you are a teacher. A strong-minded teacher who can achieve anything. You are in one of the most influential career paths that one person could take. You are inspiring many little brains to become what they want. You deserve all the self-love and self-care that you can give yourself.

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If you have any ways you are relaxing and breathing during this difficult time, please email me and I will post them to my blog. Thanks for reading and remember to breathe. You got this!!