Nonprofit Ethical Practice

What is a Code of Ethics?

A professional code of ethics is a document specific to a profession that explains what behaviors are acceptable and expectant of professionals in that field. It may list both ethical values and ethical principles.

A code of ethics:

  • Clearly defines professionally appropriate behaviors and determines higher standards of practice.
  • Provides a framework of responsibility for each professional. By joining a profession, the individual is agreeing to maintain personal responsibility for upholding the standards as described in that profession’s code.
  • Provides a tool for self-evaluation. It assists professionals in making sure that they are acting ethically in all aspects for their work. It can be used as a reference if professionals are unsure of coming to a correct resolution when choosing between a “right” and another “right.”

Would you like to understand the codes of ethics that your employees are adhering to or SHOULD be adhering to?

Check out the codes we have linked to here. If you are looking for one not listed, please email us.

Sample Codes of Ethics

Sample Codes of Ethics Written for Specific Nonprofit Organizations

James Buchanan Foundation (doc)
American Association of Museum’s Accreditation Expectations (pdf)

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