Evangelical & Reformed Historical Society

Whether you are researching family members who participated in our constituent churches, planning a church anniversary service, looking for a home for your church’s records, or exploring your family genealogy, we may be able to assist.

The Society was established in 1934 after the formation of the Evangelical and Reformed Church by the merger of the (German) Reformed Church in the United States (1727-1934) and the Evangelical Synod of North America (1840-1934). The Reformed Church first established a Historical Society in 1863 during the 300th anniversary of the Heidelberg Catechism. The Evangelical Synod established a Historical Commission in 1927. ERHS was chartered in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and granted non-profit 501(c)3 status in 1983.

Contact Information

555 W. James St.
Lancaster, PA 17602


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