What We Do
EASS is a non-profit organization supporting neighbors in need throughout the Ephrata and Cocalico regions of Northern Lancaster County. We run many different programs that feed and clothe thousands of people in our community. We also provide transportation services. EASS has a strong desire to make a difference within our community.
Who We’ve Helped
EASS strives to be the gap for families falling outside of the guidelines used by public funded agencies. With the continued generosity of the community we will stay the course.
How You Can Help
There are different ways to support Ephrata Area Social Services, aside from donating. The following volunteer opportunities are currently needed: Drivers, packers and cooks for Denver and Ephrata Meals on Wheels.
Contact Information
227 North State Street
Ephrata, PA 17522
We pride ourselves on maintaining an extensive directory of nonprofit organizations. If you feel that our information is inaccurate, please let us know.