BARAK Drama Ministries is an evangelical theatre arts team whose mission is to spread God’s Word, Spirit, and Love through the use of the creative arts (Performance); to further the kingdom of God by sharing our collective knowledge and talents (Teaching); to strengthen God’s people by demonstrating His Love to the world (Networking). BARAK is a multicultural group composed of Christian performing artists from a variety of different churches in the central Pennsylvania region, working together, symbolizing Christ’s teaching of “one body, many parts”. The team performs and teaches in a variety of different settings including churches and other public venues as the Lord directs. Presentations range from 5 minute skits that are integrated into a worship service, to full length plays such as “Love’s Way Back”, an original play written by BARAK’s founder, Wendell Murray.
BARAK holds open auditions throughout the year for its ministry team. If you are a born-again believer of Jesus Christ and like to act, sing, dance, or have another talent, reside in the Central Pennsylvania region, and would like to share in this type of ministry, you can call us or send us an e-mail at If you would like to be added to our mailing list for future events, please call or e-mail and give us your name and address
Contact Information
3721 Chambers Hill Rd
Harrisburg, PA 17111
(717) 379-1064
We pride ourselves on maintaining an extensive directory of nonprofit organizations. If you feel that our information is inaccurate, please let us know.