Advantage Home Care offers home support services and private duty nursing to clients in private home settings, at assisted living centers, nursing homes and hospitals. Support services include personal care, light housekeeping, grocery shopping, companionship as well as mother’s helper. A unique year ’round elf program that provides special holiday and occasion assistance and the Ride N Care program that combines transportation and health aide services are two unique programs offering great convenience to today’s lifestyle. At your request, Advantage Home Care also provide private nursing care for anyone who requires the special attention from a registered nurse or a licensed practical nurse. In addition, Advantage Home Care includes an emergency response system that relays a signal when a person needs help. The system has additional features that enhance safety in the home. For those who have difficulty remembering to take medications on a regular basis or become overwhelmed with the number of medications, Advantage Home Care offers a personal medication system that provides automatic, accurate and monitored dispensing of scheduled medication.
Contact Information
1170 Berkshire Blvd
Wyomissing, PA 19610
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