The Community Foundation and United Way of Lancaster County have released an application to support emerging needs across our community as part of the Lancaster Cares COVID-19 Response Fund. We are currently accepting applications from eligible organizations that can quickly and efficiently provide resources and support to residents of Lancaster County, PA affected by COVID-19. The Lancaster Cares Fund is designed to support our most vulnerable residents quickly and effectively.
Lancaster Cares will fund community benefit organizations that provide food, housing and emerging critical needs for Lancaster residents. Money from this fund will be granted to trusted local community benefit organizations to help them expand their capacity to reach more people more quickly. Preference will be given to organizations that have proven track records in providing community safety nets and the ability to work responsively and in coordinated fashion with other agencies.
- This grant is open to 501(c)(3) community benefit (nonprofit) organizations that serve Lancaster County, PA residents.
- Funds are designed to act as “Rapid Response Dollars” and available only to programs that support immediate basic needs of Lancaster residents.
- Application will be open on a rolling basis for the foreseeable future.
- Grants are available from $1,000 – 10,000, awarded weekly. Applications must be
received by Tuesday 12:00 Noon to qualify for funding during that week. - Organizations are eligible to apply to support the same program more than once or to support a different emerging program.
- Available funds will be assessed regularly as we all work to respond to the emerging situation. Organizations will be notified before the application period closes.
- All Lancaster Cares funds are designed to be spent within 90 days of award.
- Please only apply for the exact funding you require to deliver your program in the short term. We must work together to ensure that support is available to meet a variety of needs across our community.
- We recognize that some agencies are so busy providing direct services at this time that the thought of writing a grant for financial support, although needed more than ever, is daunting. Please contact to discuss your needs.
- Please understand that due to the nature of this crisis, we expect to receive many more requests than we can fund. If your organization is not selected, we will do our very best to communicate with you the rationale for our decision.
Learn more and APPLY NOW at