Groundhog Day 2025: 5 Lancaster County groundhogs to predict early spring or longer winter

Groundhog Day 2025: 5 Lancaster County groundhogs to predict early spring or longer winter

MT Parker 2023 Groundhog Day (11).JPG

While it may not feel like spring is right around the corner, five Lancaster County groundhogs will make their predictions on Groundhog Day, Sunday, Feb. 2.

The holiday, often referred to as Groundhog’s Day and Groundhogs Day, marks the day where we look to the groundhogs to predict an early spring or longer winter. If a groundhog sees its shadow, it means six more weeks of winter.

No shadow? Perhaps an early spring.


While Punxsutawney Phil is the most famous Groundhog Day prognosticator, Lancaster County has five of its own groundhogs slated to make their predictions on Feb. 2.

Acorn Acres Wildlife Rehabilitation will bring its two groundhogs, Elliott and Lilly, to Hempfield Apothetique, at 100 W. Walnut St. in Lancaster, from 9-11 a.m. Elliott took over the helm of prognosticating after Acorn Acres’ beloved, nearly toothless groundhog Poppy died. He will prognosticate this year, and his new little sister, Lilly, will be there to learn the ropes and guess, too. Admission is free, though attendees need to register onlineMore info.

Later in the day, there will be a Groundhog Day celebration at The Imperial Terrace, at 26 E. Chestnut St. in Lancaster, from 3-7 p.m. There will be a cash bar, educational sessions about groundhogs, children’s crafts and games, Groundhog Bingo and more. Elliott will predict who will win the Super Bowl. More info.

Mount Joy Minnie, a groundhog stuffed animal, will make her prognostication at the Rotary Clock in Mount Joy, at Marietta Avenue and East Main Street, at 7 a.m. Attendees can enjoy hot beverages from the American Legion Post 185 and doughnuts from Voyage Mount Joy. Admission is free.

If there is inclement weather, Minnie will instead make her guess from the parking area of Northwest Bank, at 101 E. Main St. in Mount Joy. More info.

M.T. Parker, a groundhog stuffed animal, will make his guess at the Carriage House at Stauffer Mansion, at 1241 Lititz Pike in Lancaster, at 7 a.m. There will be plenty of activities on site, including arts and crafts, photo opportunities with M.T. Parker, live entertainment, light refreshments and more. Admission is free. More info.

Octoraro Orphie, a groundhog stuffed animal, will prognosticate at the Slumbering Groundhog Lodge on White Rock Road in Kirkwood, at an event starting at 8:15 a.m. The actual prognostication will happen around 8:45 a.m. The night before, Solanco wrestling coach John Little will be inducted as an associate member of the lodge.

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