CSCI 152: Programming II for Data Science

The COMPLETE syllabus is on the course D2L. The class policies, professionalism, and email etiquette are a necessary part of the syllabus. 

Dr. Nazli Hardy


  1. The CSCI 152 course modules on D2L are generally for listing labs and supplementary presentations – important materials will be presented in class and labs, so, class/ labs attendance is critical.   
  2. If you miss any class or lab, it is your responsibility to connect with a classmate for notes given during class/ lab, and then review that material.  
  3. Class Policies [the syllabus is not complete without the class policies] Read class policies 
  4. Students are required and expected to work outside of class to review and complete assignments. 1 credit hour –> 3 hours out-of-class work

Catalog Description of Course: 

Continuation of CSCI 151 covering more advanced computer programming techniques with an emphasis on developing programs to manipulate and analyze real-world data from various domains including business, science, and the humanities.  

Topics include creating appropriate data visualizations, acquiring data from numerous sources, analyzing and cleaning data sets, drawing advanced conclusions from data and the ethics of data collection and analysis. (Current Language: Python) 

This course includes a laboratory component.  4 credit hours 

Objectives of the course: 

At the end of this course, a successful student will be expected to: 

  1. acquire data from web sites, files, databases, and other sources and convert it to a usable form; 
  2. create appropriate visualizations of data sets, and explain why they are appropriate; 
  3. analyze the quality of a data set and fix deficiencies in it; 
  4. draw advanced conclusions from data; 
  5. discuss the ethics of data collection and analysis; 
  6. find relations between data sets; 
  7. form hypotheses about relations between data sets and test whether these hypotheses are supported by the data; and 
  8. manipulate and analyze a variety of types of data, potentially including time series, geospatial, text, or images.

These goals will be accomplished through the content of the lectures and assignments. The achievement of the goals will be measured through your performance on assignments and exams. 

Credits: 4 

Prerequisites: C or higher in CSCI 151 or B or higher in CSCI 161 

AND C- or better in MATH 101 or MATH 120 or MATH 130 or MPT of 160 or above 

And Desire and interest to learn  

Highly Recommended Textbook:  

We have a recommended textbook, which is Intro to Python for Computer Science and Data Science, by Paul Deitel and Harvey Deitel (ISBN 978-0-13-540467-6). This should be the same book that you used in CSCI151 


Anaconda is a free software package that makes it easy to work with Python code on your own computer. 

Course Outline: 

University Calendar for relevant university-wide dates 








Files & Exceptions 

Further Object-Oriented Programming 

Natural Language Programming 





Exam 1:  25%  (Date to be confirmed in class) 

Exam 2:  25%  (Date to be confirmed in class) 

Exam 3 (Final): 30% (Finals week) 

Lab Assignments (programming projects, labs):  20% 

Note: all assignments & exams are cumulative by nature 


Final Letter Grades are based on the following weighted scale: 

93 – 100:  A      90-92.9:  A-   86 – 89.9:  B+  82 – 85.9  B  79 – 81.9: B- 

76 – 78.9:  C+   73 – 75.9:  C  70 – 72.9 C- 

66 – 68.9:  D+   63 -65.9:  D    60 – 62.9  D-      <59.9:  Fail 


All work must be submitted on the assigned date or it will not be graded – barring acceptable emergencies. Check the appropriate D2L module for important dates. 

The syllabus may be subject to some change due to scheduling, so be sure to check in occasionally 

Tutoring for CSCI 151: 


Graded Work and Academic Honesty: 

The exams cover material from class lectures, assignments, and labs – and they are cumulative by nature.  There are NO make-up exams, so if you miss an exam you will receive zero credit, barring extenuating circumstances. 

Attendance:  All students are expected to regularly attend classes, be prepared for class by doing the assigned readings, and having completed any assignments. Only previously approved and university-recognized absences are excusable. Excessive (>3) unexcused absences may result in your course grade being lowered one letter grade. Contact me prior to any absence (if possible) in order to obtain clearance. MU Attendance Policy link: Class Attendance Policy | Millersville University 

Copying or extensive collaboration on assignments is not permitted and may result in failure of the course and expulsion from the university. You may discuss approaches to solving a problem. However, if someone else types on your keyboard or you copy code or paragraphs from someone else or somewhere else, you are committing academic dishonesty. Finding or purchasing a solution on the Internet or elsewhere and submitting it as your own work is plagiarism and may result in expulsion from the university. 

Consult MU’s Academic Policies for more details.  

Sharing:  It is the premise in this course that students learn three different ways: (1) by attentive listening during lectures; (2) by doing things themselves; and (3) by sharing information and ideas with other students. This last item is important to the learning process, but it cannot be allowed to overshadow the importance of the other two items. Students are encouraged to share ideas and to discuss common problems. Much of this course is founded on the principle of cooperative learning, meaning that you will learn from each other, generally in a team format. You are expected to be responsible to your teammates and shoulder your fair portion of the workload. This will be enforced in two ways: (1) team members will evaluate each other’s efforts with each project, and (2) students who shirk their responsibility to the team will be removed from the team and given no credit for the team’s work. 

Plagiarism:  However, the preceding policy should not in any way be taken as approval of the act of plagiarism. Plagiarism shall be treated as the serious offense that it is. Acts of plagiarism shall be dealt with as severely as is permissible by university policy, including possible failure in the course. Multiple acts of plagiarism may result in expulsion from the university. 

Plagiarism shall be regarded as any copying, in whole or in part, of material from any source, without explicit credit to the source. In addition, any copying from another student’s assignments, past or present, shall be treated as plagiarism. All students involved in an act of plagiarism shall be treated the same as concerns this policy, including any student who knowingly allows his or her work to be copied. 

DeadlinesNo late assignments will be accepted. If your assignment is incomplete, turn it in for possible partial credit. Programs must cleanly compile for any credit. Working on assignments incrementally will assure that you always have something for which you can receive some credit. 

ExamsThere are NO make-up exams – if you miss an exam, you will receive a zero. Exceptions may be made at my discretion for reasons of illness or university excused absences. 

Extra Credit There is NO extra credit in this class. Please schedule your time to complete the assigned work. 

Special Needs:  Anyone requiring special accommodations should contact me as soon as possible before any exams or assignments are due. If you have a disability that requires accommodations under the Americans with Disabilities Act, please present your letter of accommodations and meet with me as soon as possible so that I can support your success in an informed manner. Accommodations cannot be granted retroactively. If you would like to know more about the Millersville University Office of Learning Services-please contact the office at 717-871-5554 


Millersville University Policies: 

Title IX: Millersville University and its faculty are committed to assuring a safe and productive educational environment for all students. In order to meet this commitment and to comply with Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 and guidance from the Office for Civil Rights, Title IX requires University faculty members to report incidents of sexual discrimination, including sexual violence, shared by students to the University’s Title IX Coordinator. Accordingly, if a student shares information about any incidents of sexual discrimination or sexual violence during a classroom discussion, in a writing assignment for a class, or in other contexts, faculty must report that information to the Title IX Coordinator. This information will only be shared with the Title IX Coordinator, who is the individual on campus designated to respond to reports of discrimination or sexual violence. While the Title IX Coordinator is not a confidential source of support, they will address matters reported to them with sensitivity and will keep your information as private as possible. 

Additionally, faculty members are obligated to report sexual violence or any other abuse of a student who was, or is a child (a person under 18 years of age) when the abuse allegedly occurred, to the person designated in the University’s Protection of Minors policy. 

Information regarding the reporting of sexual violence and the resources that are available to victims of sexual violence is set forth at: 

Counseling Reminder: Students sometimes face mental health or drug/alcohol challenges in their academic careers that interfere with their academic performance and goals. Millersville University is a caring community and resources are available to assist students who are dealing with problems. The Counseling Center (717-871-7821) is an important resource for both mental health and substance abuse issues. Additional resources include: Health Services (871-5250), Center for Health Education & Promotion (871-4141), Campus Ministries, and Learning Services (717-871-5554).  


Email Etiquette & Professionalism: Your communication reflects on you, and I expect all class communication to be professional. During Mon-Fri, I respond to email within 24 hours. Please resend your email if you do not hear back during any weekday.  

Email Format 

Dear Dr. Hardy [address recipient] 

  1. Q1 
  1. Q2 
  1. …. 


Name of student [sign off with your name] 


My “4 Cents for Students” on professionalism can be found here: 

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