Programming Resources

[These resources are for students who already have a background in programming. Introductory resources for students can be found here]

Top programming languages to learn

Both Java and Python have libraries that facilitate writing network-based applications – so we will use both. 

The Java library is extensive and includes the package which provides the classes for implementing networking applications. 

Description of package


Most of you are already very familiar with Java, so below are additional Python resources: 

The Python standard library is also extensive and includes modules that support network programming.

Python Module Index: 

Python 3 documentation 

Python standard library  

Networking Interface 

Python’s Request Library 


to download Eclipse IDE on your own machine (note all exams and most labs will be done on MUCS lab computers)

Getting started with Autolab

Logging in to lab machines

Installing Eclipse, setting up remote ssh connections with vs code

primary journal for Computer Science

an online program editor


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