The tone, content, and quality of your email reflect your professionalism. There is a difference between texting and emailing; your texts to your friends/ family can be casual BUT your emails to professors and colleagues must be professional. Your professors (or future colleagues) are potential recommenders for jobs/ opportunities/ graduate programs. Represent yourself professionally at all times.
- Address the professor (usually Dr. _______ or Professor ______)
- Be clear and concise in the body of your email. If you have multiple questions, consider numbering so that we can answer your questions in a clear and concise manner too.
- Sign your name – we have several students each semester, we cannot tell who you are by your email address, and more importantly, we want to know who this professional person is 🙂
Dear Dr. Hardy
- I want to confirm that the negation of a conditional statement is a conjunction
- Is it possible for one AND gate to accept more than 2 inputs?
- Will there be truth tables on exam 2?
Signed (Your Name/ Class/ Section)