This set of documents is a necessary part of all syllabi. In other words, the class syllabus is not complete without this portion.
Remember it is your choice to be here.
Do not text during class. If necessary, please leave the classroom to do so.
Attendance: All students are expected to regularly attend all classes/ labs. Missing 3 or more classes may cause your final grade to be lowered. Only previously approved and university-recognized absences are excusable.
Email: Please read through the email etiquette section. I will reply to all student emails within 24 hours during the workweek (M-F). If you do not receive a response during that time, resend the email, or come and see me before/after class, or during office hours. Please do not expect an email from me during the evenings or the weekends. My office hours are listed and all labs/ homework are assigned at least 7 days before the due date. Please start on your work in a timely manner and budget your time accordingly.
If you miss any class/lab, it is your responsibility to contact a classmate for notes. And then be sure to review these notes. If you have any questions or concerns about class, please do come to see me right away during the semester and we will take care of it together.
Do seek help early so that you are not frustrated with new material; all material is cumulative by nature.
If you are using your laptop to take class notes, do not misuse the privilege by “socializing” or “surfing” online or partaking in any activity that I can consider distracting to you or your classmates. If you must, please leave the classroom to do so.
Each credit hour requires at least 3 hours of work outside class – you do the math.
Most materials on which you will be tested will be taken from classwork and labs, so do be sure to come to class or take notes from classmates.
If you have any special needs, do see me as soon as possible so we can make accommodations.
Do make use of the various resources around campus, including timely advisement for registration.
Do form study groups with classmates.
Late submissions will NOT be accepted and there are NO make-up exams, barring extenuating circumstances. If you are absent on exam days or on days when the assignment is due in class, an excuse note is required (from doctor’s office, conference, etc.) If your assignment is incomplete, submit it for possible partial credit. Please be sure to manage your schedules accordingly. Programs must compile and run for any credit.
Here is the student code of conduct that will be followed in class. Please read it.
Professional Behavior & Appropriate Class Environment: I protect my class environment and I do not tolerate any negative disruption to this environment. Your classmates are paying for an education, and most of them are working to pay for their education and this class: they are not paying for a negatively disruptive/ disrespectful class environment. Your professor is paid to teach the class, not to put up with a negative disruptive/ disrespectful class environment. In case of inappropriate behavior, we will follow the following procedures:
- I will speak to you one-on-one to ensure there is no misunderstanding on my part
- The behavior will be reported to the university (your advisor, department chair, and student affairs) so that you can be provided with the necessary help
- Once the issue is successfully resolved, you may return to the classroom
Academic Integrity: Remember copying or extensive collaboration on assignments is not permitted and may result in failure of the course and expulsion from the university. You may discuss approaches to solving a problem, as long as the discussion remains above the level of specific answers. You may also seek aid in resolving your understanding of the problem. However, if someone else types on your keyboard or you copy answers from someone else, you are committing academic dishonesty. Finding or purchasing a solution on the Internet or elsewhere and submitting it as your own work is plagiarism and may result in expulsion from the university.
Be sure to consult the following for more details.
Policy for Responsible Use:
Title IX Millersville University and its faculty are committed to assuring a safe and productive educational environment for all students. In order to comply with the requirements of Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 and the University’s commitment to offering supportive measures in accordance with the new regulations issued under Title IX, the University requires faculty members to report to the University’s Title IX Coordinator incidents of sexual violence shared by students. The only exceptions to the faculty member’s reporting obligation are when incidents of sexual violence are communicated by a student during a classroom discussion, in a writing assignment for a class, or as part of a University-approved research project. Faculty members are obligated to report to the person designated in the University Protection of Minors policy sexual violence or any other abuse of a student who was, or is, a child (a person under 18 years of age) when the abuse allegedly occurred.