Hard hat tour of the energy-efficient facility on campus.
Tag: sustainability
The ‘Ville Goes Unplugged
Game On! The classroom and residence hall that save the most energy will each receive a trophy and bragging rights.
PepsiCo Zero Impact Monies will Help Fund Campus Sustainability Ambassadors.
MU Admissions Goes Paperless
Admissions saves 135,000 sheets of paper and reduces greenhouse gas emissions by about 2,700 lbs.
Hiking from Pucillo to Huntingdon? You might want to take a quick break on the brand-new (sort of) outdoor furniture right behind Huntingdon House. The new brightly colored Millersville gold-and-black […]
Leith Sharp, director of executive education for sustainability with Harvard University’s Center for Health and the Global Environment, will visit Millersville University on Thursday, March 31, to speak, perform and […]