The Center for Health Education & Promotion at Millersville University has been awarded a $40,000 grant.
Tag: It’s on Us
MU’s Top 10 Stories of 2023
From student conferences and awards to historic fundraising campaigns – take a look at the University’s top 10 stories of 2023.
#4: Grants
Our #4 story is all about how some notable grants will assist students in their academic endeavors.
For the seventh year in a row, Millersville University is one of the institutions to be awarded a portion of the $1 million It’s On Us PA grant.
With the grant, the University plans to implement new programs and events.
It’s On Us Chapter Continues Work Virtually
It’s On Us is looking for student and faculty advocates to join Millersville’s campaign.
‘Ville Receives It’s On Us Award
“The grant gives us the opportunity to continue to implement strategies and take the pledge that is it on all of us to listen, support and report concerns of sexual misconduct.”
Team collected 715 signatures.
Millersville will host conference on Dec. 7.
Money will enhance the numerous programs already in place and expand our prevention programs.