J. Philip and Mary Ann Gerber will lead the Millersville Community Parade as grand marshals.
“Get the Message” at Breast-a-Ville
Do you have the message? Attend Breast-a-Ville, a campus-wide awareness event about breast health education!
Millersville student attends THIS
MU senior Kyle Haney is participating in The Harrisburg Internship Semester program this semester.
Looking for the Library?
Millersville’s library is now campus-wide and library staff are ready to help students, faculty and staff.
9/15/11 Activities
Here are the faculty and staff activities for September 15, 2011.
John Emswiler
This issue of the Exchange features John Emswiler, the athletic department’s men’s equipment manager.
Changes on Campus
See what changes were made on campus in recent months.
The campus community will come together for a special commemoration of the 10th anniversary of the 9/11/01 attacks, from September 11-13.
A large collection of rare butterflies has recently been donated to Millersville’s Entomological Museum.
New Event Space Dubbed Marauder Court
Need a location for an event on campus? Find out if the new Marauder Court will work for you.
Don’t miss the 2011 International Policy Conference, September 15-16, featuring a keynote address by Bill Richardson.
Editorial Style Guide Updated
Helping to maintain Millersville’s image is easy with the updated University Editorial Style Guide!