Tuesday, February 11th, 2025
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Moving Up in U.S. News Rankings

In a new ranking, Millersville ranked #19 in “Undergraduate Teaching Programs” among all regional universities in the North.

Graphic that lists teacher education at number 19, MU among publics at number 37 and MU listed as number 101 among all colleges.

Millersville University is once again ranked among the Best Regional Universities in the North by U.S. News & World Report, moving up in overall rankings and among the top public schools. In a new ranking, Millersville ranked #19 in “Undergraduate Teaching Programs” among all regional universities in the North.

The University climbed 15 spots to #101 in the overall ranking of regional universities in the North. In addition, it climbed five spots to #37 in the ranking of top public schools among regional universities in the North, up from #42 last year.

“We are delighted with the uptick in the rankings,” says Dr. Daniel A. Wubah, president of Millersville University. “Our ranking among the top 40 public universities in the North reflects our commitment to high-quality educational outcomes. Our current ranking gives the University room to grow. We have much to be proud of and much to which we can aspire.”

A new category this year was for undergraduate teaching programs. Dr. Lara Willox, dean of the College of Education and Human Services, is thrilled with the ranking. “Millersville was founded in 1855 with the ideals that teacher preparation and learning are essential elements of public education and engaged citizenship. One hundred and sixty years later, these ideals still hold. Our goal is to provide students with the knowledge, skills, and experiences necessary to impact the lives of individuals, families and communities positively. To have our program ranked among the top 20 in the region is amazing.”

One category that went up from the 2024 rankings was first-year retention by four points. “We are buoyed by those results,” says Wubah. Last year, our first- to second-year retention rate climbed to 78.1%, which was the highest rate in about a decade. I appreciate the hard work of our faculty and staff for their support in advancing this important metric. Our commitment to holistic student success will continue to focus on persistence and graduation rates, as well as post-graduation outcomes.”

Now in its 40th year, the rankings evaluate nearly 1,500 national colleges and universities on up to 17 academic quality measures and emphasize social mobility and outcomes for graduating college students.

“Regional Universities” are defined as those offering a broad scope of undergraduate degrees and some master’s degree programs but few, if any, doctoral programs.

U.S. News publishes the Best Colleges rankings yearly to provide prospective students and their families with the comparative merits of the undergraduate programs at America’s colleges and universities. The rankings offer detailed information on the institutions and data on factors such as outcome measures—including graduation rates, graduate indebtedness and post-graduate earnings.

“For 40 years, Best Colleges has continued to evolve as a trusted companion to prospective students and their families during the decision-making process,” said Dr. LaMont Jones, managing editor for Education at U.S. News. “The rankings and editorial content offer crucial data, college advice, and informed reporting to all who seek a college education.”

Millersville University is a great option for all students, including undergraduates, graduate students, international students and those who want to learn online.

For all rankings, click here. 

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