Saturday, December 7th, 2024

#5: The ‘Ville Goes Global

Coming in at #5, the ‘Ville takes a look at its international endeavors.

Our next top story of the year focuses on the ‘Ville making international headlines. At #5, here are some notable stories for MU across the globe.

UCC Visits the ‘Ville

In February, Millersville University was visited by representatives of the University of Cape Coast, after President Dr. Daniel A. Wubah spent time there representing MU and building a relationship with the other institution.

The delegation from Ghana met with a variety of Millersville faculty and administrators to collaborate and discuss how each institution could benefit from a continued partnership. UCC has been a driving force in meeting and maintaining manpower in many industries and across many disciplines, including doctors and health care professionals, business professionals, administrators, legal professionals and agriculturalists.

Millersville and St. John of India

In another collaboration, Millersville and St. John Technical and Educational Campus in India signed a memorandum of understanding on June 5. This allows for students at St. John’s affiliate institutions to attend Millersville University and for faculty collaboration between the two institutions.

The agreement also establishes possibilities for dual-degree and transfer-degree programs and non-degree programs. The agreement will allow the exchange of scholarly and pedagogical materials and the development of academic research, workshops or other joint projects.

President Wubah earns Honorary Degree

MU President Dr. Wubah proudly stands between four others, displaying his honorary degree
President Wubah receives his honorary degree

On July 29, Dr. Daniel A. Wubah, president of Millersville University, was awarded an Honorary Doctorate Degree from the University of Cape Coast in Ghana. Wubah previously received his bachelor’s with Honors in botany and Dip. Ed. in education from the UCC.

UCC is the topmost-ranked university in Ghana and West Africa, the 4th in Africa and among the 400 topmost-ranked universities worldwide.

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