A new HR initiative aims to recognize outstanding Millersville University employees.
Skully’s Circle was established in April of 2023, and provides an avenue for the campus community to celebrate employees of Millersville University who demonstrate the EPPIIC Values by way of exhibiting exceptional performance and a positive demeanor in fulfilling their commitment to the University’s mission, vision and strategic plan.
All active full-time, part-time and temporarily employed Millersville University faculty and staff individuals who are in good standing are eligible to be nominated to receive this recognition.
An HR Advisory Panel of four individuals representing four separate divisions reviews nominations and scores feedback provided by the nominator. “The scoring rubric guides HR Advisory Panel members to award of 0-4 points for each of the EPPIIC behaviors encompassed in this program: work performance, customer services, attitude and commitment, interpersonal skills, and overall furtherance of MU’s mission and vision, based on specific details provided in the nomination to support each characteristic,” says Wendy Bowersox, employee engagement specialist.
Each Skully’s Cricle recipient will receive a certificate and a blanket with the Skully’s Circle logo. Awards are personally presented by President Wubah, and the winners are announced in ‘Ville Daily, the EPPIIC Values webpage and through the President’s Updates.
University President and Cabinet members are exempt from nomination, self-nominations are not accepted. Individuals may not be awarded Skully’s Circle recognition more than once in a 24-month period.
Meet the Skully’s Circle Award Winners:
Margaret (Margo) Thorwart ’17 was named the director of the Center for Health Education and Promotion in September 2022. Before this position, Thorwart returned to MU in 2021 as an assistant field hockey coach. She was nominated by Darlene Newman, director of Student Access & Support Services, who noted that Thorwart met the Work Performance, Customer Service, Attitude and Commitment, Interpersonal Skills and Overall Furtherance of Millersville University’s Mission and Vision criteria.
In her nomination, Newman shares, “[Margo] built the foundation of Health Education and Promotions, and demonstrates her leadership, compassion, integrity in a professional manner that impacts not only students but our campus community. She is a tireless advocate for this university that continues to be present and passionate about her work.”

Pete Anders joined University Police as chief of police in December 2010. Anders was nominated by Dr. Mary Beth Williams, vice president for Student Affairs, for satisfying the Work Performance, Customer Service, Attitude and Commitment, Interpersonal Skills and Overall Furtherance of Millersville University’s Mission and Vision criteria of the Skully’s Circle award program.
Mary Beth Williams said, “Pete is a pillar of compassion in our community, and we are honored to have him as our chief of police.”

John Sicotte began at MU in June of 2003 as a clerk typist in the Professional Training and Education Department. In 2004, he transitioned to the Registrar’s Office where he worked his way toward his current role, in 2009, as the assistant registrar for academic scheduling & registration in the Registrar’s Office.
John was nominated by Dr. Janet Bertoni, associate professor and chair of the Special Education Department, for satisfying the Work Performance, Customer Service, Attitude and Commitment, Interpersonal Skills and Overall Furtherance of Millersville University’s Mission and Vision criteria of the Skully’s Circle award program.

Liz Thompson began her journey at MU in 2022 as the executive assistant to the Interim Chief Technology Officer in the Technical Support Services department. Liz was nominated by Kathy Nazarenus, assistant to the provost, for satisfying the Customer Service, Attitude and Commitment and Interpersonal Skills criteria of the Skully’s Circle award program.
Tara Borgna is the director of enterprise applications in the Enterprise Applications and Digital Solutions department. Tara began her journey at MU in 2000 as an associate database administrator. Over the years she grew into various roles, serving our IT Department as a developer, applications services manager and director of enterprise applications.

Tara was nominated by Megan Jones, senior assistant registrar, for satisfying Work Performance, Attitude and Commitment and Interpersonal Skills criteria of the Skully’s Circle award program.

Jackie Aliotta, assistant director of Student Organizations & Leadership in the Campus Life Department, was selected as July’s Skully’s Circle award recipient. A member of the MU community since February 2019, Jackie was nominated by Kelly Davis, administrative manager in the Office of the Dean of Education and Human Services, for satisfying all categories of the Skully’s Circle award criteria.
Dr. Richard Glenn, professor and chair of Government, Policy & Law, was nominated as the human embodiment of all that is good, just and worthy to be included within the Skully Circle and exemplifies all EPPIIC values. Dr. Glenn’s efforts to explore novel teaching pedagogies inside and outside the classroom is to be applauded. His bar is set high because he is viewing the students not just in the moment but what they will need to be successful once they graduate.
To nominate a Millersville University faculty or staff member for Skully’s Circle, click here.