Monday, September 16th, 2024
Featured News

NEMA Wins Big

‘Ville’s NEMA Chapter brings home Chapter of the Year along with a host of other awards.

MU’s National Electronic Media Association chapter won big at the Broadcast Education Association conference this year, bringing various awards back to campus, including Model Chapter, Chapter of the Year, NEMA Student of the Year and two honorable mentions.

Dr. Stacey Irwin, Media Arts Production professor and NEMA advisor, explains how important it was for MU students to attend the conference this year. “I think that during the pandemic, everything was on Zoom, and some of the passion and enthusiasm for celebrations and meaningful club moments had gotten lost. The officers in the Millersville University Chapter of the National Electronic Media Association have done great work brainstorming and collaborating to create interesting and meaningful programs for students, and the national recognition makes it all the sweeter. Receiving an award in person can be a thrill after a lot of hard work. Club members knew that they had received honorable mentions for two media productions, but the national club awards were a surprise to all of us.”

Motivated Chapter
The Motivated Chapter Award program is not a competition, as it recognizes active and committed chapters. It is designed to encourage consistent efforts to sustain activities by chapters pursuing the excellence that characterizes the National Electronic Media Association. Both Millersville University and Tarrant County College received this award.

Chapter of the Year
To be considered Chapter of the Year, a chapter must maintain communication with the national office and have student members involved in media productions, events and activities. In addition, the chapter should provide a positive public image on campus, locally, regionally and nationally.

Irwin notes this award was an unexpected surprise for the chapter. “Once model chapters are announced, a club from that group is named Chapter of the Year. This is an honor because so many universities have active chapters with unique programs. The Millersville chapter won this award in 2021 so I really was not expecting it again, especially not so soon. But I knew that the ‘Ville NEMA chapter shared great opportunities with students. Winning is an honor. I am so happy for the current leadership because they worked hard to get here.”

Nicole Dalton, Media Arts Production major, named Student of the Year.

NEMA Student of the Year
Nicole Dalton, sophomore Media Arts Production major, was awarded NEMA Student of the Year. To be considered, an individual must increase awareness of the National Electronic Media Association on campus, participate in chapter events, show success in electronic media productions, provide public awareness of philanthropies and motivate their fellow chapter members.

Irwin explains a few reasons why Dalton won this award, “Nicole Dalton is a leader. She had only attended a few club meetings before elections last April, and here she is, NEMA Student of the Year and president of a club that has won a national award, Chapter of the Year. She is a great listener. She is a testament to giving something new a try, working hard and building a dynamic team. “

Dr. Stacey Irwin, Professional of the Year

NEMA Professional of the Year
Dr. Stacey Irwin was recognized as the NEMA Professional of the Year. The Professional Member of the Year must be a professional member of the National Electronic Media Association who serves the Association to his or her fullest and brings positive recognition to the Association. Irwin is both the MU NEMA advisor and president of the Broadcast Education Association.

Irwin explains what this award means to her, “It is always an honor to be acknowledged on a national level. It has been my privilege to get to know other professional NEMA members and advisors and students from across the country, to attend the last five years of national conferences, and to watch students become professionals who are making meaningful contributions in our media profession. I’d like to thank the 19 student members of our Millersville University chapter because they make advising this club worth it for me. I am such a proud professor right now.”

Honorable Mentions for the Video Entertainment and/or Music Program
Two MUTV productions received honorable mentions, including the Plugged In production and the “Cookie Butter Catastrophe” episode from The Trend MU. Submissions hosted full-length programs with an emphasis on entertainment segments, interview topics and/or recordings of concert performances or studio sessions or programs featuring live performances.

Irwin emphasizes the importance of MUTV being recognized on a national level with NEMA, “I think that collaborations are highly important. The MUTV producers were also NEMA members. There really isn’t a “one size fits all” club, but working across different clubs to achieve the full scale of opportunities available to students is very important.”

Irwin notes that attending a conference is a special experience for everyone involved, “

“Almost all of the meaningful connections I’ve made over more than 30 years as a professional and professor have been in person. I want that experience for our students, our budding media professionals. It is part of Millersville University’s EPPIIC values, so this kind of professional development is baked into our culture. We are grateful to Dean Ieva Zake of the College of Arts Humanities and Social Sciences and the Millersville Commission on the Status of Women for investing in this trip through travel grants.”

Beginning May 1, the Broadcast Education Association took over the NEMA organization’s activities. The club continues to exist as a media networking club under the new academic association.




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