Tuesday, January 14th, 2025

WIXQ Returns

Tune in to WIXQ to support local radio.

Millersville University’s student-run radio station has returned to the airwaves this fall. WIXQ has been a staple of Millersville’s extracurricular offerings since 1968. This year, the station is proud to welcome several new DJs as well as council members. Any student or faculty can join WIXQ and host their own show. Trainees must complete a four-week training schedule before being granted a radio timeslot.

Last spring, the station held an election to choose its newest council members. Everything done at the station is student-run, from events to training. Senior English major Paul Charles is the new assistant music director. In that position, Charles organizes the station’s music and connects with local artists to hear their latest work. His show, “Research and Development” airs on Wednesday nights. Charles explained his favorite part about doing college radio, “I like having a weekly outlet to express myself creatively. I have a regularly scheduled way to be creative and share my music.” Paul joined WIXQ in hopes of meeting new friends and encourages any students that might be interested to do the same.

Another new council member is the station’s operations manager, Rose LoDolce. She is a senior and multidisciplinary studies major. Her role includes reaching out to students interested in becoming DJs. From there, LoDolce schedules their training weeks with an experienced DJ who will show them the ropes. On Tuesday nights, she hosts “Chewsdays,” a funky variety show that aims to provide listeners with music they might not know yet. When asked about how to support the station, LoDolce said, “Tune in to support local radio. Running a show is fun, but it is even cooler to know that somebody is listening in. Radio is a type of media that has fallen by the wayside over the past few decades. It is a great communal experience, and getting support is how we are able to stay on the air.”

Dozens of new trainees have been recruited to the station. WIXQ president Jackie Bleich said in a recent meeting, “This is the most amount of people I have ever seen in this room before.” In about a month’s time, these students will each be assigned their own weekly timeslot. Over winter break, the station’s transmitter, currently located atop Jefferson Hall, is scheduled to be moved. It is expected that this will cause no interference with the station’s regularly scheduled programming.

To learn more about or listen to WIXQ, visit: https://www.917theville.com/



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