As the weather gets warmer and the semester draws to a close, Millersville University is excited to celebrate the achievements of its graduates this May. The undergraduate and graduate ceremonies will be held in Pucillo Gymnasium. As each graduate is individually recognized, they will receive a diploma cover and will be professionally photographed.
We have 1,429 undergraduates receiving diplomas and 345 graduate candidates (master’s and doctorates).
The commencement ceremony for the College of Graduate Studies and Adult Learning will take place on Friday, May 6, at 5:30 p.m. Dr. Damaris Rau, superintendent of the School District of Lancaster, will serve as the guest speaker.
There will be three undergraduate ceremonies on Saturday, May 7. The ceremony for the College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences & Lombardo College of Business will be held at 9 a.m. The College of Science and Technology will graduate at 1 p.m. And the College of Education & Human Services and School of Social Work will graduate at 5 p.m.
Two Millersville University alumni, Silvia Vasquez-Lavado ’96 and Kevin Mahoney ’81, will serve as guest speakers and honorary degree recipients. Vasquez-Lavado is a Peruvian-American mountaineer, author and social entrepreneur, and Mahoney is CEO of the University of Pennsylvania Health System.
During the morning ceremony, an honorary degree will be presented to Thomas Baldrige, president and CEO of the Lancaster Chamber of Commerce.
The ceremonies will also be livestreamed and archived for future viewing.
Graduates can order their academic regalia through the university bookstore by April 28.
Doors will open at Pucillo one hour before each ceremony, which is expected to last an hour and a half to two hours.
Further information can be found on the University’s commencement website. Any questions about the ceremony can be forwarded to