Tuesday, February 11th, 2025
Faculty & Staff Activities

Faculty/Staff Activities

From presenting at conferences to publishing articles and assuming leadership positions at the national level, the faculty have been busy!

Faculty at Millersville University have been busy over the past several months. Here are some of the highlights.

Drs. Ollie Dreon, professor of Educational Foundations; Leslie Gates, associate professor of Art and Design; Jeffrey Wimer, associate professor of Wellness and Sport Sciences; and Miriam Witmer, assistant professor of Educational Foundations recently presented at the  International Mentoring Association conference. 

Dr. Miriam Witmer with students Anna Milner and Taylor Crehan. Dr. Jeffrey Wimer is on screen.

Anna Milner and Taylor Crehan, students from Millersville’s Color of Teaching Mentoring program presented with Witmer and Wimer, “Mentor On: Developing a Diverse Teacher Workforce Through Project Teacher Development.” Witmer and Wimer also presented, “Culturally Relevant Mentoring for Marginalized African American Male Middle School Students: Fostering Resilience for Both Mentors and Mentees.” Dreon and Gates presented a session, “Developing a Community of Practice to Support Faculty Mentoring.”

Dr. Shawn Gallagher, professor of psychology, and recent alum, Nicholas Incelli, had an article published in the Journal of Evidence – Based Psychotherapies,”Pandemic Dreams are Susceptible to Priming and Unrelated to COVID-19 Exposure.” The article was published in September 2021, when Incelli was a senior at Millersville. He graduated in December.

Photo of Dr. Ann Gaudino
Dr. Ann Gaudino

Dr. Ann Cancilla Gaudino, associate professor of Educational Foundations, recently learned that the journal she began in 2011, “The Excellence in Education Journal” will be placed in EBSCO’s database. That means all past and future articles published by the journal will be available to users everywhere. EBSCO is the preeminent provider of online research content and search technologies serving academic, school and public libraries; healthcare and medical institutions; corporations; and government agencies around the world. Eight Millersville faculty have articles published in Gaudino’s journal including: Drs. Jason Davis, Mandy Dupain, Julie Lombardo, Thomas Neuville, Ojoma Edeh Herr, Nakeiha Primus, Sandy Deemer and Deborah Tamakloe and two have served as reviewers, Drs. John Ward and Jeff Wimer.

Dr. Stacey Irwin, professor in Communication & Theatre, will assume the president of the Broadcast Education Association in April. BEA is the premiere international academic media organization, driving insights, excellence in media production and career advancement for educators, students and professionals. Irwin’s term begins after the 2022 BEA Conference. She is the 7th female elected president in 56 years of the organization’s history.

Dr. Katarzyna Jakubiak, associate professor in English & World Languages, was recently awarded the  Rebecca Mitchell Tarumoto Short Fiction Prize by the literary magazine Blackbird. Jakubiak’s story, “Made of Sugar,” was published in the spring of 2021 and was selected by the editors from short fiction published by Blackbird over the previous two-year period. Her piece takes on the multigenerational story of a family’s bakery in Poland and, in the process, manages to illuminate a half-century of Polish history. Jakubiak received the award at Virginia Commonwealth University on March 3.

Dr. William Kahler, professor emeritus at Millersville University, recently had his book, “Woodcraft Camps of Daniel Carter Beard: 1912-1938 America’s Most Popular Boy Scout” published. Kahler taught at Millersville from 1969-1999 in Wellness & Sport Sciences. Kahler says he wants readers, “To realize how outdoor education can influence your life as a young person, to learn about camping history and Boy Scout history and why Daniel Carter Beard should not be forgotten as an early Boy Scout leader.” The book is available at Amazon and Barnes & Noble.

Dr. Dawn Lambert, assistant professor in the Wehrheim School of Nursing, was recently selected by the PA Association of School Nurses and Practitioners as the Southeast Region School Nurse Administrator of the Year. Lambert has done a great deal of work and curriculum revision for Millersville’s school nurse certificate program over the past two years, resulting in significant enrollment increases. Further, she has recently developed and launched the online MSN track that allows our school nurse students to “stack” their certificate credentials into a full MSN.

Dr. Nanette Marcum-Dietrich, professor of Educational Foundations, recently presented at the 11th World Environmental Education Congress in Prague, Czech Republic. The theme for the conference was “Building Bridges in Times of Climate Urgency.” The conference took place March 14-18.

Dr. Susanne Nimmrichter, associate professor of German, has been named the 2022 recipient of the Northeast Conference on the Teaching of Foreign Languages “Nelson H. Brooks Award for Outstanding Leadership in the Profession.” She received her award in February at the NECTFL convention in New York City. The Nelson H. Brooks Leadership Award honors a passionate leader who has made significant contributions to the world language community from the local, state, regional and/or national levels.

Pictured left to right are the last three department chairs for Applied Engineering, Safety & Technology Education, Drs. Len Litowitz, Barry David and Perry Gemmill.

And, congratulations to Dr. Barry David on his recent retirement. Drs. Len Litowitz and Perry Gemmill helped him celebrate at an APSCUF event.


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