Saturday, February 15th, 2025
Featured News

Made in Millersville Conference Returns

Made in Millersville returns with an in-person event for the first time since Spring of 2019.

The annual Made in Millersville conference will take place on April 12, 2022. This is the eighth year that the event is being held and the first time since spring of 2019 that there will be an in-person event.

This year, the conference will be held in person in the McNairy Library and presentations will also be available as pre-recorded videos and live-streamed. At Made in Millersville, students present, exhibit and perform their scholarly or creative work. Every University department will be represented, with an expected 225 students giving presentations this year.

Photo from the 2019 Made in Millersville Conference. The 2022’s conference tag line is “A Celebration of Student Scholarship and Creativity.”

The conference tag line is “A Celebration of Student Scholarship and Creativity,” – what Millersville students are doing in the classroom, laboratory, field and studio. Made in Millersville gives students presenting a chance to talk about their work to an interested audience in a professional setting without the pressure of a professional conference.

“For students who are presenting, this is a great opportunity to practice talking about what they have done and what they have learned to a diverse audience, a skill that will be useful after they leave the University,” says Dr. Rene Munoz, director of sponsored programs & research administration. “It’s a time for the campus community to come together and celebrate the reason we are here – educating, training, teaching students – and to build community and comity around that idea.”

The annual Made in Millersville conference will take place on April 12, 2022. This will be the first in-person conference since 2019 when this photo was taken.

“Before the pandemic, MiM was a great place to experience Millersville University as a community,” says Munoz. “For two years, COVID-19 made feeling like a community hard – It took some of that feeling away, but the MiM conference team is working hard to bring that back and have everyone see the great things that are happening here.”

In addition to the conference, the Made in Millersville Journal will be published which preserves the student projects. When applying for the 2022 Made in Millersville conference, students may select an option to publish a summary of their presentation in the Made in Millersville Journal. Working with the journal team of trained editors offers student authors the valuable experience of enhancing their writing skills and collaborating with editors who provide personalized assistance, creating a working environment that mirrors publication processes beyond the undergraduate level.

The conference is open to all students at Millersville. Potential employers, industry professionals, faculty, alumni, friends of the University and parents are all invited to attend student presentations. Visitors who plan to attend the live event, especially, are encouraged to register as reviewers. Reviewers provide presenters with constructive feedback on the presentations.

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