Tuesday, February 18th, 2025

No Increase in Room Charges at the ‘Ville

“Our leadership team continues to focus on affordability for our students and their families,”

For the fourth year in a row, there will not be an increase in housing costs for Millersville University students. The Council of Trustees at their meeting this week voted to maintain the same rate for both the 2022-23 and 2023-24 academic years. That means students will continue to pay $4,040 to $4,675 per semester, depending on their suite, for the next two years.

To help offset the increased cost of food and delivery due to supply chain issues, the COT voted to increase the board fee by 4.7%, which is a $100 increase per semester, in each of the next two years. In addition, due to increased costs, the Health Services fee will increase by 2.7%, which is a $3 increase per semester, just for the 22-23 school year, with no increase for the 23-24 school year.

“Our leadership team continues to focus on affordability for our students and their families,” said Dr. Daniel A. Wubah, president of Millersville University. “As the pandemic continues, we’re faced with challenges that are not unique to higher education. The supply chain interruptions are widely known and many of us have experienced long delays and increased prices for goods and services. Our campus is certainly impacted with higher costs for our food.”

The COT voted to eliminate the application fee for undergraduates and Millersville University will not increase the following fees for the next two years:

  • Student Center Maintenance Operations and Student Center Expansion Fees
  • Student Activity Fee
  • Shuttle Bus Fee

In other action, the COT was given an update on the new network that is being installed on campus. The university is in the process of switching to a new network for improved security and operations. The new network is scheduled to be up and running at the first of the year.


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