2021 at Millersville University has been unofficially dubbed, “The Year of Mentorship,” which kicked off on campus this September with a mentorship fair, food trucks and more. This kickoff event introduced MU students to the many mentorship opportunities on campus, both with their peers, faculty members and even alumni and community members. Here’s what our students have to say about some of their peer-to-peer mentorship groups.
American Meteorological Society Student Chapter
Laurel Blanchard, president.
1. What is the purpose of your program?
We are Millersville University’s University’s American Meteorological Society student chapter. Our organization encourages the development and dissemination of meteorological knowledge in all its phases, forms and applications, as well as the advancement of its professional ideas and interests which are congruent with the aims of the national society; also, to unite Millersville University students, faculty, and staff, as well as interested members of the local community, and to promote scientific exchange and enrichment among the constituencies.
Our Met-Mentor is a guide to help underclassman get acclimated to life in college as well as have a mentor who knows first-hand most of the experiences they are faced with. Our mentors give advice on classes, help with study habits, and find ways to get mentees involved as much as possible in the department!
But having a mentor doesn’t stop after the first year. The purpose of the Met-Mentor program is to have an upper classman to go to for any advice and to look up to throughout the entirety of their college and post undergrad career.
2. When was your program established?
This program has been established since 2010! We are very proud that our program has continued and has only grown. Its really nice to see mentees become mentors.
3. How many mentors are in your program? How many mentees are in your program?
At the beginning of the semester, MU-AMS receives a list of all incoming freshman coming in as a Meteorology major. They then get paired up with an upper classman with similar interests. Usually there are about 30-45 incoming freshman as meteorology majors and almost all of them accept the opportunity have a mentor in the major. As for mentors, this year we have 27 amazing mentors helping guide underclassmen through the first year of college.
4. Can you tell me about any past events you have held that were successful? Do you have any upcoming events that you could tell me more about?
At the beginning of any academic year, we have an ice cream social for mentees and mentors to meet in a casual environment. We have Met-Mentor events through the semester that encourage mentors and mentees to get together, such as fundraisers, social events and join other sub- groups that are apart of MU-AMS in order to get to know each other better and strengthen the bond between upper and lower classmen.
5. Why should students become mentors for your program?
It is such a great opportunity! It allows you to have a bond and a connection with an underclassman. It allows you to share your experiences and be the person that is trusted by someone who genuinely wants to be in your place in the future. Personally, for me, I have been a mentor for three years and I am always amazed with the question I get asked by my mentees that I didn’t think of when I was coming into college. You definitely learn a lot from them as they learn form you!
6. Why should students participate as mentees in your program?
Coming into college is an overwhelming experience for everyone. Having someone who has been through what you are going through now is extremely helpful. A mentor is a person you can ask questions and seek advice from in a casual relationship, rather than a more professional relationship with a professor.
7. Where can students find information about your program?
Although our program is mainly geared towards meteorology majors, any earth science department major is welcome to join! You can see more on our Get Involved Page and follow our social media accounts.
Mentoring Mathematics Majors
Brian Fodale and Lauren Watkins, student coordinators and peer mentors.
1. What is the purpose of your program?
The Purpose of the Mentoring Mathematics Majors Program is to provide new math majors with guidance throughout their first semester here at Millersville. While our main focus is to answer questions relating to math department courses and opportunities, we also provide general tips to help first-year students navigate their first semester.
2. When was your program established?
Our program was established in spring 2020, where we collected ideas and planned for the program. Due to the pandemic, it was not until the spring semester of 2021 where we officially assigned mentors to mentees. Because this semester was online, we did not hit the ground running with events until this fall 2021 semester.
3. How many mentors and mentees are in your program?
As the program is still in the early stages, we currently have eight mentors along with 22 mentees. Each mentor gets assigned two to three mentees.
4. Can you tell me about any past events you have held that were successful? Do you have any upcoming events that you could tell me more about?
Past events included all of the events held by the math department where mentors were encouraged to bring their mentees. We also had a mentor/mentee event for registration this semester where mentors were encouraged to bring their mentees to help build schedules for the spring 2022 semester. Our upcoming events are most likely a before finals check-in with mentors and mentees and in the Spring, a welcome back event.
5. Why should students serve as mentors for your program?
Students would be interested in serving as mentors because it provides a unique opportunity to take on a leadership role in a relatively familiar setting. To elaborate, upperclassmen math students have already completed their first semester, so providing guidance to a new student should be easy and enjoyable.
6. Why should students become mentees in your program?
Students would be interested in participating as mentees because being a department-specific mentoring program allows for a lot of bonding and understanding between mentee and mentor. Mentees get an experience unique to their major, while also obtaining a friend in the process.
7. Where can students get information about your program?
Students interested in becoming a mentor or mentee within the mathematics department should contact either of the Student Coordinators, Brian Fodale (bjfodale@millersville.edu) or Lauren Watkins (lmwatkin@millersville.edu) for more information.
8. Is there anything else that you would like to share?
We are hopeful to see this program grow as campus returns to normal little by little. College can be scary for the first time, and most especially after a pandemic. Math majors, we are here to help!