Tuesday, January 21st, 2025

Using Technology when Returning to Campus

Guidance for Faculty and Staff

The Network Restoration Task Force has developed a series of FAQs and guidance to help you with the uncertainties surrounding technology use when returning to campus.  If you are not planning to return to campus in the next couple of months, there is nothing to do at this time.

  1. What type of technology can I use on campus?
    • MU issued device: MU-issued devices (e.g., laptops, iPads) need to be scanned by IT before they can be used on campus. See the Scanning Instructions
    • Personal device (laptop you bought with your own money, tablet, phone): Personal devices do not need to be scanned. You are able to come to campus and connect to MU_WiFi.
    • Desktop (computer in your office that is connected to internet via a (normally) blue Ethernet cable): campus desktop computers have been scanned and cleared. Compromised desktop computers have been removed and will be returned once IT has re-imaged them. Desktop computers will work if Ethernet (wired connectivity) is restored to your building. Some buildings have ethernet restored, but others do not.  If you are looking to use your office desktop, we advise you to check with the IT Help Desk for an update on your building before you come to campus.
  1. When will I receive the results of my scan?
  • IT seeks to turn around scan results within 24-48 hours; however, depending on scan request volume, it may take up to a week to get results. During this time, do not bring your MU-issued laptop on campus. Wait until you get an email from IT that informs you of the scan results.
  • If you need to come to campus and your scan has not yet been completed, you may contact the IT Help Desk to obtain a loaner laptop.
  1. My scan results indicate that my MU-issued laptop has been compromised. Now what?
  • Bring your laptop to IT (Boyer Hall). Your laptop will be reimaged and when you get it back, it will be just like getting a new laptop. If your device is found to be compromised, do NOT plug in a removeable device (USB flash drive, portable hard drive, etc.) to back up your files saved on the laptop.  Instead, tell the IT staff about your files when you turn in the laptop, and they will save them for you.

Scanning Instructions

All MU-issued devices (e.g., laptops, iPads) must be scanned before returning to campus.

Please note that this differs from earlier guidance, which stated that only MU-issued devices that used VPN needed to be scanned.

Do not bring devices to campus and connect them to the network for scanning. The scan can be done remotely or by dropping off the device with IT.

How to proceed:

1) First attempt the self-scanning procedure described below. If this fails due to technical issues or confusion, proceed to step 2.

2) Contact the IT Help Desk. The most common error is that you don’t have Administrator Rights on your device. Most of the time, IT can remote access your laptop (via Zoom) and run the scan for you. If this is not possible, proceed to step 3.

3) Drop off the device with IT so that they can perform the scan.


Self-scanning procedure

Windows Users:

  1. Download scan tool: speedykoala-cytriage_win_offline.exe.zip
  2. Save to your computer, right click and extract the contents
  3. Right Click the speedykoala-cytraige_win_offline.exe file and select Run as Administrator
    The scan will create a file that needs to be uploaded. The file will be located here:

C:\Temp\Cylance and will be computername.sys

  1. Upload the file to the following site:


MAC Users:

  1. Download the scan tool: MAC Speedy Koala Scan Tool
  2. Double click the downloaded file to extract it.
  3. Click the magnifying glass in the upper right-hand corner and type in terminal and hit enter.
  4. A window will open and will have your username listed. Type sudo and the drag the downloaded file into the window. It will fill in the file location.
  5. Hit enter and it will ask for a password; type in your password. The scan is done when it returns to the user prompt.
  6. From the Finder (you can activate Finder by clicking the smiley on your dock or by clicking on the desktop), select the Go menu (at the top of your screen), then select “Go to folder”. Type in \tmp and hit enter. There should be a file zip. Upload the file here: https://millersvilleuniversity-my.sharepoint.com/:f:/g/personal/todd_echterling_millersville_edu/EmhH1aLEOttGiZHYIZfow1EB4l-149Afl_HnD-xKCmcqNA

The scan can take up to 45 minutes to complete. Please contact the IT Help Desk if the file does not appear in the file folder after approximately 1 hour.

Any questions should be directed to the help desk 717-871-7777. or help.desk@millersville.edu (or by live chat from the help desk application – reached from the MU Logins page).


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