The theme for Millersville University’s annual giving campaign this year is “Give To What You Love.” The One Day Give will take place on Feb. 25 from 6 a.m. to midnight. Millersville’s One Day Give is an online-based fundraising event that encourages staff, alumni and the community to come together and support programs and students at Millersville.
Started in 2013, the One Day Give campaign is designed to support students as they journey toward achieving success. This year has been one of unique challenges and major changes. “Giving to support student success is even more important this year. There are so many students, academic programs, University organizations and athletic teams that could really use support. Every gift, no matter the size, has the ability to make a real difference,” says Kate Hartman, Interim Assistant Director of Annual Giving.
Throughout the day, there will be many opportunities to participate in giving challenges and drawings and to get involved in activities and contests. This year’s event will see the return of the Athletics Giving Leaderboard where our teams will compete to win challenges, and the ever-popular One Day Give socks are back.
Faculty and staff can get a pair of socks with a gift of $20, and students will receive a pair of socks with a gift of just $10. Also, all gifts made by students on the day will be matched by the Millersville University Alumni Association.
Visit the One Day Give website for updates and more information Millersville One Day Give.