Millersville University is listed at #90 among 615 institutions ranked by Washington Monthly on their 2020 National University Rankings list. Ranked higher than 85% of other master’s institutions, Millersville also took the top spot among the 14 Pennsylvania State System of Higher Education schools.
Washington Monthly determines rankings based on three equally weighted characteristics of social mobility, research and community and national service. In social mobility, Millersville University ranked in the 64th percentile of 615 institutions and 7th in PASSHE. In research, the University ranked in the 79th percentile of the 615 institutions and 2nd in PASSHE. For community and national service, Millersville scored higher than 97 percent of other institutions and placed 1st for the PASSHE system.
“As part of our Carnegie community engagement classification, Millersville University strives to support our community through our academic programs” says Dr. Daniel A. Wubah, president of Millersville University. “Public mission is one of our core values and we are committed to contributing towards the economic development of Lancaster County and south-central Pennsylvania. This ranking is a testament to that mission.”
Millersville’s placement in community and national service largely contributes to the University’s high overall national ranking. The methodology for the community and national ranking includes data submission and active participation with the National Study of Learning, Voting and Engagement at Tufts University. It also includes the ALL IN Campus Democracy Challenge as a measure of student voting, a program in which the Walker Fellows and the office of Civic and Community Engagement participate.
For more information and to see the Washington Monthly 2020 National Rankings, please click here: