Wednesday, February 19th, 2025

A Spring Unlike Any Other

How Did Millersville University Fare During Spring Semester?

How Did Millersville University Fare?

Spring semester 2020 at the ‘Ville was unlike any other due to the COVID-19 pandemic, which spread across the globe. On March 16, President Daniel A. Wubah announced that because of the directives coming from the Centers for Disease Control, the Governor’s Office, the Pennsylvania Department of Health and the Office of the Chancellor, all face-to-face classroom instruction would transition to remote instruction for the remainder of the semester.

There were a lot of moving parts to this plan, including setting students, faculty and staff up with remote access from their homes, keeping the students remaining on campus safe, and communicating updates to the campus community.

“Millersville University is more than just a campus or place. We are a community,” says Brian P. Hazlett, vice president of Student Affairs and Enrollment Management. “And, even though we were apart physically for half of the spring semester, the ‘Ville’s ingenuity prevailed and lessened the impact on our students.”

In a recent survey of 6,065 MU students, 81% of those responding agreed or strongly agreed that the University provided effective communications regarding COVID-19. And, 80% of students agreed or strongly agreed that they were able to access the technology they needed.

More than 65% of the students agreed or strongly agreed that they had access to University resources, that administration and staff showed concern for their needs and that they were satisfied or very satisfied with the University’s response.

“We are grateful for our students’ persistence through this challenging semester and we look forward to the time when we can all safely be together again,” said VP Hazlett.

For more information on the survey, please contact Vivak Patel at




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