While graduates of Millersville University don’t get to walk for commencement just yet, we still wanted to make sure they were recognized on what would have been their graduation day. Stay tuned for upcoming details about a ceremony. Congratulations to the 961 students who will be receiving their bachelor’s degree!
College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences
Maeda Abdulrahman
BA English
Shaakirah Laylaa Tate
BA English
Oscar Oluwaseun Ajayi
BA Sociology
Karli Elizabeth Allen
BA Philosophy
Ryker A. Armond
BA Multidisciplinary Studies
Dillon Young Armstrong
BA Multidisciplinary Studies
Torrie Landis Gochnauer
BA Government & Political Affairs
Morgan McLaughlin
BSN Nursing
Aaron F. Bachmann
BA Multidisciplinary Studies
Cameron Baggs1
BA English
Jade Kelly Bair
BA English
Stephen Christopher Baker
BA Music
Stephen Christopher Baker
BSE Music Education
Zachary Balint
BS Speech Communication
Chloe Marchelle Barrett
BA English
Kaylee Elizabeth Barrick
BSE Spanish
Andrew Charles Battle
BA Art
Briannia Beaufort
BA Sociology
Andrew Nicholas Bechtel
BA Economics
Kelsey R. Beiler
BSE English
Skylar S. Bender1
BS Speech Communication
Julia Bergiven
BA English
Dan Bernardini
BA Multidisciplinary Studies
Jessica Laura Berry
BA Multidisciplinary Studies
LaRae Berry
BA Sociology
Samantha Wolfe Bigham
BA History
Christopher Allen Blair
BA Multidisciplinary Studies
Emily Patricia Bland
BSE Spanish
Cassidie Blose
BSE German
Hunter Allen Boal
BA Multidisciplinary Studies
Elliott K. Bollinger
BA History
Multidisciplinary Studies
Samantha Leigh Borry
BA History
Sarah Elizabeth Bostwick
BA Multidisciplinary Studies
Victoria Rose Bostwick1
BS Speech Communication
Gail R. Bower-Geist
BA Art
Deborah S. Bowman
Jacob Aaron Bowman1
BS Speech Communication
Abigail L. Breckbill
BA English
Rachel Bresnen1
BA Art
Tyler Daniel Browne
BA Economics
Nicole F. Bruno1
BA Sociology
Kristen Bryant
BDES Interactive & Graphic Design
Samantha Burkhardt
BS Speech Communication
Zachary Button
BA Multidisciplinary Studies
Emma Theresa Byler
BS Music Industry
Rebecca Lee Cahill
BA Government & Political Affairs
Anyi Cai
BA Music
James N. Cain
BA Economics
Jeffrey Calabro II
BSE Social Studies
Benjamin Calderaio
BA Economics
Curtis L. Cannon1
BA Sociology
Kaela Elizabeth Carr
BA Multidisciplinary Studies
Madisson Michele Cartmill
BA Government & Political Affairs
Edwin M. Chae
BA English
Jason Chau
BA Art
Rachel M. Chronister
BSE Art Education
Corinne E. Clark
BA Government & Political Affairs
Thaddeus Odell Clevenger
BA History
Brooke Eileen Clouse1
BA History
Brooke Eileen Clouse1
BA Sociology
William Jacob Constein
BA Multidisciplinary Studies
Brett Clayton Conway
BA History
Government & Political Affairs
Riley A. Cooper1
BSE English
Jacob A. Coopersmith
BA Multidisciplinary Studies
Shaun M. Copeland
BA Music
Antonio Cosby
BS Speech Communication
Austin James Coughenour
BSE Social Studies
Shelby F. Cramer
BA Art
Joshua Crawford
BA Economics
Morgan Taylor Crostarosa
BS Speech Communication
Andre Cunningham Jr.
BS Speech Communication
Hannah Katriel Davis
BA History
Jessica L. De Palma
BA History
Erin Rachel Dear
Alexander Robert Degenhardt
BA Anthropology
Anthony K. Delcamp1
BA Multidisciplinary Studies
Joseph Dell’Estate
BA Multidisciplinary Studies
Domenic M. DeSimone
BA English
Anna Marie Devonshire
Alyssa Lynn Dicker
BS Speech Communication
Kristina Pauline Diefenderfer
BA International Studies
Government & Political Affairs
Courtney C. Dimoff
BA Multidisciplinary Studies
Kristin B. Donaldson
BS Speech Communication
Bobby Alexander Dorta
BA Multidisciplinary Studies
Sarah I. Dugan
BS Speech Communication
John Kenneth Durst
BA Language & Culture Studies
Lindsay Paige Edwards1
BSE Music Education
Jonathan Charles Ege
BA Sociology
Jocelyn Elzer
BSE Spanish
Sierra Soleil Erwin
BA English
Carmen Luz Estrella
BA Language & Culture Studies
Matthew Evans
BS Music Industry
Gregory K. Fawcett
BS Music Industry
Mikaela Ann-Louise Felty
BA English
Kyle Finsterbush1
BA Multidisciplinary Studies
Elizabeth S. Fish
BS Music Industry
James Fitzsimons
BA Philosophy
Seth Joseph Fluck
BSE Social Studies
Andrew John Frank
BS Speech Communication
Hope A. Frankenfield
BS Music Industry
Haley E. Fuller
BS Speech Communication
Jonathan Imre Gajari
BSE English
Colin Joseph Gale
BS Music Industry
Max Galley
BS Speech Communication
Alexis Zoe Ganas
BS Speech Communication
Hope Olivia Garner
BA Philosophy
Sylvia Ellen Garner
BS Speech Communication
David A. Gasper
BA Economics
Shayne Tice Gasser1
BA History
Jacob Mark Gehman
BA Multidisciplinary Studies
Michelle Elise Gehman
BS Speech Communication
Kevin Edward Germann1
BA Multidisciplinary Studies
Noah Gerrity
BS Speech Communication
Justin L. Gibson
BA Multidisciplinary Studies
Kimberlie Ashley Golden
BA Philosophy
Abigail N. Good
BSE English
Brittnay K. Goranson
BA Government & Political Affairs
Madison Elisabeth Gormley
BS Speech Communication
Jacob Thomas Gosselin
BA Multidisciplinary Studies
Sean Kristian Guckert
BA English
Benjamin Michael Habecker
BA English
John L. Haberkern
BS Speech Communication
Jared Trenton Hameloth
BA Multidisciplinary Studies
Miranda A. Hanna
BA Sociology
Kristen Nicole Hart
BS Speech Communication
Natalie Rose Hartman
BA Multidisciplinary Studies
Hunter Sutton Hartman
BS Music Industry
Juanita Elaine Hawkins
BDES Interactive & Graphic Design
Abigail Rose Haynie
BA English
Erin Nicole Hecner
BS Speech Communication
Rebecca E. Heller
BDES Interactive & Graphic Design
Jenifer Anne Helm
BS Speech Communication
Mary-Kathleen Costello Helm
BSE English
Edward J. Henninger Jr.1
BSE German
Emmanuel Hernandez Gutierrez
BA Economics
Kaylee Marie Herndon
BA Multidisciplinary Studies
Brett Matthew Hersh
BA Economics
Logan C. Hickey
BA History
Jacob J. Higley
BA Economics
Joseph P. Hill
BA Economics
Alyson Leigh Hinfey
BDES Interactive & Graphic Design
Patrick Francis Hirthler
BA Multidisciplinary Studies
Rachel Lee Hoffman
BA Multidisciplinary Studies
Patrick William Hoffman
BA Sociology
Rachael M. Hoffman
BDES Interactive & Graphic Design
Elizabeth Hoke
BA Government & Political Affairs
Derek William Hostetler
BA Multidisciplinary Studies
Cassidy Suzanne Huhn
BDES Interactive & Graphic Design
Matthew Hunt
BA Multidisciplinary Studies
Tessa Anne Iacono
BS Speech Communication
Kumaden Cathrine Igyor1
BA Sociology
Trina Alexis Jackson
BA Multidisciplinary Studies
Brandon Nobuhiko Jerome
BA International Studies
Jordan Avery Johnson
BA Sociology
Zachary Johnson
BS Music Industry
Sha’kir Jones
BA Art
Nathaniel Benjamin Jones
BA Multidisciplinary Studies
Tevin Christopher Jones
BA Multidisciplinary Studies
Ashley M. Jumbelick
BA Anthropology
John C. Jungers
BS Music Industry
Madison T. Kacmar
BA Government & Political Affairs
Kristina E. Kamberger1
BA English
Kaylee Keech
BA Multidisciplinary Studies
Kellie Michelle Keener
BA Multidisciplinary Studies
Stacy M. Kelley
BA Anthropology
Allyson Joanna Kerr
BS Speech Communication
Jakob A. Ketterer1
BA Sociology
Christopher John King
BS Speech Communication
Sara Murphy Kirchner
BSE Social Studies
Edward George Kirchoff
BS Speech Communication
Jared Francis Kish
BA Multidisciplinary Studies
Alexander C. Kontos
BA English
Rachael L. Kotschessa
BS Speech Communication
Dylan Thomas Kranch
BSE English
Cassady A. Krinock
BSE English
Jason R. Kurtz
BS Speech Communication
Brianna Kate Laliberte
BA Multidisciplinary Studies
Stephanie Nicole Landino
BS Music Industry
Corey Aidan Landis
BS Music Industry
Brianna Noelle Landis
BS Speech Communication
Rebecca M. LaPera
BS Speech Communication
Steven D. Lapp
BA History
Jonah R. Latshaw
BDES Interactive & Graphic Design
Rachel Rebecca Laughlin
BA Multidisciplinary Studies
Katie Marie Laughman
BA Multidisciplinary Studies
Kelly Anne Layton
BS Speech Communication
Courtney Nicole Leahey
BS Speech Communication
Lauren Elisabeth Ledder
BA Multidisciplinary Studies
Ryan Terry Lees
BA Multidisciplinary Studies
Kevin Leese
John Samuel Leininger
BSE English
David Joseph Leva II
BA History
Kahmile R. Lewis
BS Speech Communication
Jarrod Lloyd
BA Music
Lauren Loebig
BA Art
Jasa Elizabeth Lorah
BA Multidisciplinary Studies
Amira Bianca Lucas1
BA Multidisciplinary Studies
John Anthony Lutz
BA Multidisciplinary Studies
Michael Lux
BS Speech Communication
Rose M. MacNaughton1
BA Multidisciplinary Studies
Wesley James Maloney
BSE Social Studies
Alyssa Noel Mancuso
BS Speech Communication
Rachel Elaine Mansfield
BS Speech Communication
Dylan B. Marciano1
BA English
Alyssa Rae Marks
BA History
Leila E. Masi
BA International Studies
Colin Andrew Mathiot
BA Multidisciplinary Studies
Sophia E. Maya
BS Speech Communication
Madison Manzi Mazza
BA Multidisciplinary Studies
Shalayla W. Clayton McCants
BA Sociology
Allen Wayne McCloud Jr.1
BA Multidisciplinary Studies
Nicklaus A. McCoy
BA Philosophy
Adrian R. McCoy
BSE English
Kyle Patrick Mcdermott
BA Multidisciplinary Studies
Matthew E. Meckley
BSE Social Studies
Jessica R. Melck
Jessica R. Melck
BSE Art Education
Elaine Isabel Mellinger
BA Sociology
Spencer Micklo
BDES Interactive & Graphic Design
Drew Joseph Miller Jr.
BA Economics
Hunter Cole Miller
BA Music
Ryan M. Miller
BA Sociology
Madison Elisabeth Misel1
BA Art
Brandon Alan Mitchell
BA Multidisciplinary Studies
Madison Marie Monschein
BS Speech Communication
Samantha A. Moore
BA History
Shane Moran
BA History
Government & Political Affairs
Nathan Morgan
BSE Music Education
Halle Marie Mosser1
BA English
Hadley Paige Mottola1
BA Multidisciplinary Studies
Joseph Henry Mower
Joseph Henry Mower
BSE Art Education
Matthew A. Moyer
BA English
Christian Murgia
BA Anthropology
Margaret Grace Murphy
BA Multidisciplinary Studies
Bridget Kathleen Murray
BSE English
Emily Noelle Myers
BS Speech Communication
Dylan Jon Natiello
BA Music
Dylan Jon Natiello
BSE Music Education
Joshua W. Neill
BS Music Industry
Steven Chase Nelle
BA Sociology
Kiet Tran Nguyen
BSE Social Studies
Qingxin Ni
BA Music
Sara R. Nicholls
BA Multidisciplinary Studies
Cora Rose Noss
BS Speech Communication
Sean O’Donnell
BS Speech Communication
Washe Ivan Osango
BS Speech Communication
Kristin Athena Paradisis
BS Music Industry
Mary Evelyn Parrinello
BA Spanish
International Studies
Gemma Pasewicz
BS Speech Communication
Lucas John Payson
BS Music Industry
Emily Renee Perez
BA English
Stephanie Lynn Perota
BDES Interactive & Graphic Design
Mark A. Peters II
BSE Music Education
Sabrina Pistoria
BSE Art Education
Nina Rachel Plaksin1
BS Speech Communication
Victor A. Plitt
BA Government & Political Affairs
Catherine Prestianne
BA Art
Robert Ferney Puentes Garces1
BA Spanish
Anthony Mark Radic
BS Speech Communication
Jacob Adam Raffensberger
BA Music
Lucero Ramirez Martinez
BA Sociology
Monica C. Remaley
BA Multidisciplinary Studies
Edward Anthony Riffert
BS Speech Communication
Abigail Rissinger
BS Speech Communication
Joshua Rittberg
BS Speech Communication
Desteny Jaileen Rivera
BA Sociology
Cayla Marie Robinson
BA Philosophy
Erika Robinson
BSE English
Phillip J. Romansky, Jr.
BS Speech Communication
Ruby Marie Rublesky
BA Music
Shelbie Paige Rundle
BA Music
Elizabeth Ryan
BA Multidisciplinary Studies
Amariany Narcissa Sabino
BA Multidisciplinary Studies
Alicia Sadang
BA English
Michael James Saladino1
BS Speech Communication
Multidisciplinary Studies
Norween Salalac
BA International Studies
Lance Thomas Samuel
BA Music
Lance Thomas Samuel
BS Music Industry
Mihir Shital Saudagar1
BA Economics
Nathanael Savage
BA English
Benjamin Gerard Schad
BS Speech Communication
Meagan Alexandra Schulman
BA Multidisciplinary Studies
Joseph Charles Seifrit
BS Speech Communication
Christopher R. Seigle
BA History
Zachary John Shaffer
BA Art
Kristin Marie Sharp1
BA Sociology
Lauren Alison Sheffy
BA Sociology
Catherine Shehan
BSE English
Lennon E. Shivery
BA Entertainment Technology
Michael Shu-phon Shum
Shannon T. Sieben
BA Art
Ian William Skroban
BA Art
Erin Grace Slough
BA Anthropology
Rebecca Ray Smith1
BS Speech Communication
Tyler J. Snavely
BA Government & Political Affairs
Jessica Sneddon
BSE Art Education
Kyle A. Snyder
BA Sociology
Benjamin Michael Snyder
BS Music Industry
Jacob Andrew Sovine
BS Speech Communication
Braden William Spangler
BS Music Industry
Emily Mae Spencer
BSE English
Darian Jean Spriggle
BA Multidisciplinary Studies
Laddie Jay Springer
BA Sociology
Robert Ray Stattel
BS Music Industry
Alicia M. Stearn
BS Speech Communication
Penny Catherine Stenroos
BS Music Industry
Margaret Anne Stevenson1
BS Music Industry
Erika Stewart1
BA History
BS Speech Communication
Tucker James Stokes
BA History
Government & Political Affairs
Isaac J. Stottlemyer1
BS Speech Communication
Faith L. Stoughton
BSE Social Studies
Alexa Sulkowski
BS Speech Communication
Noah Sundberg
BS Speech Communication
Aaron Nathaniel Templin
BA Multidisciplinary Studies
Andrew Stephen Tepper
BSE Social Studies
Isaiah Terrell
BS Speech Communication
Meghan Renae Tezik
BS Speech Communication
Samantha Emma Grace Thomas
BA Multidisciplinary Studies
David George Thompson
BS Music Industry
Diann D. Toone
BA Multidisciplinary Studies
Hector Luis Torres-Diaz1
BA Government & Political Affairs
Jordan E. Traut
BA Anthropology
BA English
Brian P. Treible
BS Speech Communication
Brynna Grace Tressler
BDES Interactive & Graphic Design
Tyler Reid Turpen
BSE Music Education
Sarah Nicole Tyler
BS Speech Communication
Kelly A. Umenhofer
BA English
Rachel Lauren Umile
BSE Social Studies
Madison Christine Venne
BA History
Matthew Wade
BA Government & Political Affairs
Brittany M. Walker
BA International Studies
Samantha Bryce Wall
BS Speech Communication
Ayana A. Wallace1
BA Multidisciplinary Studies
Julia Marie Walters
BA Multidisciplinary Studies
Michael Francis Ward
BS Speech Communication
Nathaniel Warren
BSE English
Amira Jordan-Taylor Washington
BA Multidisciplinary Studies
Ashlee Mae Weaver
BSE English
Katharine Weber
Stephanie Nancy Wenger
BA English
Shannon Nicole Westlake
BA Multidisciplinary Studies
Abigail Ivy Whitehead-Zimmers
BA English
Emily Rose Wible
BSE German
Sydney Mikal Wilcoxson
BA International Studies
Language & Culture Studies, German
Owen J. Williams
BA History
Ahmad N. Williams
BS Music Industry
Ben Williamson
Jack Joseph Wisniewski
BS Speech Communication
Gerald J. Witkowski III
BA Multidisciplinary Studies
Cassie Renee Work
BA Anthropology
Hailea Elizabeth Yocum
BS Music Industry
Sue Yom
BSE Art Education
Rashna Yousaf
BA English
Diana Yowler
BSE Social Studies
Maxwell Zeuner1
BA Music
Zhang, Jingjing
BSE Music Education
College of Business
Gasser Ali Samer Abousaif
BS Business Administration
Carlynn C. Adams
BS Business Administration
Angel Ulises Aguillon
BS Business Administration
Jose Antonio Alcazar Camargo
BS Business Administration
Bailee Anderson
BS Business Administration
David Armstrong Andrews
BS Business Administration
Connor D. Bacha
BS Business Administration
Jarret Lee Becker
BS Business Administration
Joelie Cathrine Bennett
BS Business Administration
Deonte L. Bolyer
BS Business Administration
Cole Thomas Bourassa
BS Business Administration
Benjamin Franklin Breece
BS Business Administration
Samantha LeAnn Bretz
BS Business Administration
Helen Alicia Brieva
BS Business Administration
Manning A. Brookens
BS Business Administration
Marina Luciana Bua1
BS Business Administration
Ian Thomas Burkholder
BS Business Administration
Eric T. Callahan1
BS Business Administration
Kelsey May Carr
BS Business Administration
Jennifer Clark
BS Business Administration
Anthony Robert Cutuli
BS Business Administration
Peter Daniel DeLuca III
BS Business Administration
Jacklyn Elizabeth Faircloth
BS Business Administration
Stephen James Flanagan Jr.1
BS Business Administration
Kyle R. Frankhouser
BS Business Administration
Tarrus J. Gant
BS Business Administration
Michael J. Gantert
BS Business Administration
Stephanie Ann Garner
BS Business Administration
Joseph M. Giannotto
BS Business Administration
Makenzy Jae Golomb1
BS Business Administration
Chloe S. Good
BS Business Administration
Eric Steven Gross
BS Business Administration
Ashley S. Hilliard1
BS Business Administration
DeVon M. Howard1
BS Business Administration
Matthew Nathan Hudak
BS Business Administration
Tasja Siani Hudgins
BS Business Administration
Tyler J. Humphreys
BS Business Administration
David John Hutchison
BS Business Administration
Justin Imler
BS Business Administration
John Bailey Jasper
BS Business Administration
Jennifer E. Jessup
BS Business Administration
Brady Jordan1
BS Business Administration
Tristyn M. Keller
BS Business Administration
Nicholas T. Kelly
BS Business Administration
Rizwan H. Khan
BS Business Administration
Ashley Nicole Kindig
BS Business Administration
Andrew Kovalcik1
BS Business Administration
John Landis
BS Business Administration
Jadelynn G. Laughlin1
BS Business Administration
Matthew J. Lawver
BS Business Administration
Joshua Seth Leaman1
BS Business Administration
Nicholas Keith Lonardi
BS Business Administration
Joscalyn Ann Lynam
BS Business Administration
Eric Lynn
BS Business Administration
Natalie F. Mason
BS Business Administration
Erin Danielle Mathews
BS Business Administration
Kayla Lynn Michael
BS Business Administration
Samantha Jane Miller
BS Business Administration
Timothy E. Miller Jr.
BS Business Administration
David Martin Misciagna
BS Business Administration
Claudio Carlos Paez
BS Business Administration
Evan C. Phelan
BS Business Administration
Darrell Jerome Philpot Jr.
BS Business Administration
Sarah Platt1
BS Business Administration
Stephen A. Puras
BS Business Administration
Jessica Lynn Ringeisen
BS Business Administration
Armando Rodriguez
BS Business Administration
Tyler David Roman
BS Business Administration
Angel Luis Rosa
BS Business Administration
Nicholas Pasquale Rosidivito
BS Business Administration
Andrew William Ryan
BS Business Administration
Aaron Jordan Schriver
BS Business Administration
W. Daniel Schweikert1
BS Business Administration
Brendan Andrew Sherman1
BS Business Administration
Emily Steele
BS Business Administration
Kirston A. Stover
BS Business Administration
Gracie Strawser
BS Business Administration
Vance Lee Sykes
BS Business Administration
Tao Shimin1
BS Business Administration
Erica Tarsi
BS Business Administration
Delayna Ashlyn Taylor
BS Business Administration
Kelley Lyn Taylor
BS Business Administration
Michael Gordon Thum
BS Business Administration
Blake M. Tracy1
BS Business Administration
John Turner
BS Business Administration
Bradley Scott Van Eck
BS Business Administration
Paul A. Visek
BS Business Administration
Marissa Quinn Weyandt
BS Business Administration
Daniel A. Wogari
BS Business Administration
Ethan Woods
BS Business Administration
Edward F. Yukenavitch IV
BS Business Administration
Han Zhang
BS Business Administration
College of Education and Human Services
Farah K. Abdulrahman
BA Psychology
Rachel Elizabeth Ansel
BSE Early Childhood Education
Haley Elizabeth Appleby
BSE Middle Level Education
Kassandra Arias1
BA Social Work
Jomo K. Beatty
BA Social Work
Madisyn Mckenna Bender
BSE Early Childhood Education
Sara Amanda Bentz
BSE Early Childhood Education
Kaitlyn Biesecker
BA Psychology
Rebecca Lynn Blatt
BA Psychology
Kristina Ferrari Blom
BA Social Work
Mirandon M. Blynn
BSE Early Childhood Education
Sadie Anne Borsdam
BA Psychology
Michaela L. Boryschuk
BSE Early Childhood and Special Education
Ashley Nicole Brennan
BSE Early Childhood Education
Denise Deann Brown
BA Social Work
Mitchell Ovitt Buell
BSE Middle Level Education
Asia Lian Katar Burgard
BSE Early Childhood Education
Nicole Marie Burke
BA Psychology
Breanna Nicole Burn
BA Psychology
Malia N. Burris1
BA Psychology
Haley M. Butler
BA Social Work
Kimberly Katherine Campbell
BSE Early Childhood Education
Zachary J. Canfield1
BA Psychology
Allison Doolittle Carberry
BA Social Work
Alyssa Nicole Carpenter
BSE Early Childhood and Special Education
Shaun Jaqun Carter
BA Psychology
Stevie Casalino
BA Social Work
Barbara Jean Chambers
BA Psychology
Taylor Lyn Chambers
BA Psychology
Marqus Carl Chapman
BA Psychology
Bryanna Chappel
BSE Early Childhood Education
Nicole M. Chermak
BSE Middle Level Education
Trevor Matthew Christ
BSE Early Childhood Education
Jillian Nicole Cizauskas
BA Psychology
Speech Communication
Nicole C. Cornick
BA Social Work
Sarah E. Coutts
BA Social Work
Caitlynn Elisabeth Cozzone
BSE Early Childhood Education
Renee Crossan
BSE Early Childhood Education
Daniel W. Cruz
BA Psychology
Madjelyn Cuevas
BA Psychology
Lucy Elizabeth Davies
BSE Early Childhood Education
Susan Elizabeth Davison
BSE Early Childhood and Special Education
Loren Olivia Deaver
BA Psychology
Samantha Jo Deiter
BSE Early Childhood and Special Education
Kathryn Marie Delgiorno
BA Social Work
Stephanie Nicole Dimmick
BSE Early Childhood and Special Education
Karen Dorsey
BSE Early Childhood and Special Education
Taylor A. Dragon
BA Social Work
Sarah Erb
BSE Early Childhood and Special Education
Brandi Jacklyn Fair
BSE Early Childhood Education
Morgan Farrell
BSE Early Childhood and Special Education
Leah Ferguson
BA Social Work
Emily Louise Fix
BSE Early Childhood and Special Education
Caitlyn Rose Flint
BA Social Work
Matthew Michael Ford
BSE Middle Level Education
Tessa Lauren Fulfer
BA Psychology
Madeline Gable
BSE Early Childhood Education
Nina Rose Galvez
BA Social Work
Adriana Joelly Garcia
BA Psychology
Guinevere Garlow
BA Psychology
Social Work
Giacomo A. Geloso
BA Psychology
Genise Monique Gittens
BA Psychology
Jordan M. Goddard
BA Psychology
Morgan Ann Gray
BA Psychology
Tierra Anne Greenawalt
BSE Early Childhood Education
Danielle Reese Gruber
BA Psychology
Diana Jazmin Guzman
BA Social Work
Sarah Elizabeth Hagen
BA Social Work
Jordyn Rebecca Hamman
BA Psychology
Andrew Hartman
BSE Early Childhood Education
Olya Natalia Hershey
BSE Early Childhood and Special Education
Mary Leanna Hoffman
BA Social Work
Arianna K. Hondares
BSE Middle Level Education
Dany M. Huanira
BSE Early Childhood Education
Miles C. Iati
BA Psychology
Artemis Ilgenfritz
BA Psychology
Aleena M. James
BA Psychology
Wandorddy Jean
BA Psychology
Jessica Marie Jones
BSE Early Childhood and Special Education
Gabryelle I. Justiniano
BSE Early Childhood Education
Hannah Naomi Kateusz
BSE Early Childhood Education
Brynn N. Kelly
BSE Early Childhood Education
Julia Felicity Kepple
BSE Early Childhood and Special Education
Angela Danielle Ketterman
BA Psychology
Hannah Elise Kirsch
BSE Early Childhood and Special Education
Bailey Marie Knipe
BA Psychology
Molly Guo Kulp
BSE Early Childhood Education
Stephen A. Lambriodes
BA Social Work
Ariane Dominique LaRue
BA Social Work
Frank George Leonardis
BA Social Work
Autumn Lynne Lewis1
BA Psychology
Allison R. Lighty
BA Social Work
Jonnelle Sonia-Marie Long
BA Psychology
Samantha Morgan Loy
BSE Early Childhood Education
Pamela Nicole Lozano
BA Social Work
Lauren Rochelle Luckenbaugh
BSE Early Childhood Education
Alexandra Nicole Maceiko
BA Social Work
Brandon Robert Mann-Hake
BA Psychology
Eliana Marie Marino
BSE Early Childhood Education
Briana Victoria Marques
BA Social Work
Brooke Martin
BSE Early Childhood Education
Elaine Denise Martin
BA Social Work
Jennifer Meghan Matthews
BA Psychology
Mackenzie Allison McCoy
BSE Early Childhood and Special Education
Christina McDaniel
BSE Early Childhood and Special Education
Leah M. McDonald1
BA Psychology
Adaria McGill
BA Social Work
Brianna N. Meier1
BA Psychology
Keevan Finn Merryman
BA Social Work
Taylor Alexandra Michael
BA Psychology
Aliza Michelle Mizak
BSE Early Childhood and Special Education
Emily Willow Moleski1
BA Psychology
Samantha Lynn Monfredo
BSE Early Childhood and Special Education
Jessica Montgomery
BSE Early Childhood Education
Shaylyn Lindsey Moore
BA Psychology
Alexandria E. Morrison
BSE Early Childhood Education
Alyssa Cecilia Morrison1
BA Psychology
Tyler W. Moses
BA Social Work
Katia Alexandra Mujica
BA Psychology
Hannah Newman
BSE Early Childhood Education
Alexis Brianna Nunes
BSE Early Childhood and Special Education
Casey O’Connor
BSE Early Childhood and Special Education
Samantha Paige Olewine
BA Psychology
Meghan Elizabeth Onderdonk
BA Psychology
Christy Osborne
BA Psychology
Samantha Elizabeth Parker
BA Social Work
Cheyenne Marie Poist
BA Psychology
Samanta Popovic
BA Psychology
Kelly E. Quinn
BA Psychology
Quanae Samone Ra’Ifa
BSE Early Childhood and Special Education
Emily Margaret Ramsey
BA Psychology
Delanee Kate Rasmussen
BSE Early Childhood and Special Education
Madison Lee Rebman
BA Social Work
Tyler M. Reitnour
BA Social Work
Emonie L. Reviere1
BA Psychology
Multidisciplinary Studies
Sarah A. Richey
BA Psychology
Connor Wolfgang Richter
BA Psychology
Kylie E. Rigby
BSE Early Childhood and Special Education
Shayla Lee Riley
BSE Early Childhood Education
Colleen Theresa Riordan
BSE Early Childhood and Special Education
Kaylyn Elizabeth Rissler
BSE Early Childhood Education
Micayla Roberts
BA Psychology
Titiana Monae Robichaw
BA Social Work
Aija Lon Robinson
BA Social Work
Tatiana Ivette Rodriguez
BA Social Work
Anjelica Janay Rooks
BA Social Work
Indira Rucic
BA Psychology
Karina Elaine Russell
BSE Early Childhood and Special Education
Yazmine Santana1
BA Social Work
Josephine Bailey Savicky
BA Psychology
Taylor Lynne Schaal
BSE Early Childhood and Special Education
Elizabeth L. Schaeffer
BA Psychology
Erica J. Sensenig
BA Psychology
Cara Marie Shachter
BA Psychology
Riley Lyn Sharp
BSE Early Childhood Education
Gabrielle Rene Shemonski
BSE Early Childhood and Special Education
Alexis Morgan Sites
BSE Early Childhood Education
Alicia M. Smith
BA Social Work
Gabriella Rose Smith
BSE Early Childhood Education
Kiera Michelle Smith
BA Social Work
Brett Aaron Sonntag
BSE Middle Level Education
Trent Soto
BSE Early Childhood Education
Hanah Marie Soucy
BSE Early Childhood and Special Education
Mackenzie Rae Stewart
BA Psychology
Arielle G. Stigelman
BSE Early Childhood Education
Taylor Stitz
BSE Early Childhood Education
Alyssa Jean Stock
BSE Early Childhood and Special Education
Brooke Anna Swinehart
BA Social Work
Mara Kathleen Tate
BSE Middle Level Education
Chaya R. Terranova
BSE Early Childhood Education
Reba Angelou Towles
BSE Early Childhood Education
Erika Rose Troop
BSE Early Childhood and Special Education
Marlena Therese Wagner
BSE Early Childhood Education
Samantha Rose Waldman
BSE Early Childhood Education
Lauren Walker
BSE Early Childhood Education
Sarah Elizabeth Washerstein
BSE Early Childhood and Special Education
Sean Michael Weeks
BSE Early Childhood Education
Megan Ann Welch
BSE Early Childhood and Special Education
Ashley Noel Wenger1
BA Psychology
Paige Elizabeth Wenger
BSE Middle Level Education
Kathleen Rose Wert
BSE Early Childhood and Special Education
Macey Kryn Wetzel
BSE Early Childhood Education
Alena R. Wickstrom
BA Social Work
Alexis Ann Wilcox
BSE Early Childhood Education
Kara Nicole Wirt
BSE Early Childhood Education
Francesca M. Wroten
BA Social Work
Jordan Alexzandra Yates1
BA Psychology
College of Science and Technology
Austin Tyler Ackerman
BS Chemistry
Leah S. Adams
BSN Nursing
Christian F. Akerley
BS Meteorology
Ryan Andrews
BS Computer Science
Charles W. Armstrong
BS Mathematics
Amber Lynn Arnold1
BSN Nursing
Angela G. Atkins
BSN Nursing
Kristin Marie Baer
BSN Nursing
Lindsay Somerville Balawejder
BS Chemistry
Natalie Elizabeth Barco
BS Chemistry
Cortne M. Barnhart1
BSN Nursing
Paige O. Becker
BSN Nursing
Matthew Steven Bender1
BSN Nursing
Amanda Lee Benjamin
BSN Nursing
Jeremy Alexander Berthold
BS Biology
Emma Nicole Bevard
BS Allied Health Technology
Connor B. Booth
BS Computer Science
Jonathan Ryan Boothe
BS Occupational Safety & Environmental Health
Taylor M. Bowers1
BS Biology
Loretta Bowman
BS Biology
Kyra Lyn Brakefield
BS Chemistry
Maryssa L. Brandt
BS Chemistry
Jenee Brock
BSN Nursing
Ken Brubaker
BSE Physics
Sydney Taylor Brumbaugh
BS Biology
Cassidy R. Bruzgulis
BS Biology
Rachel Marie Burns
BS Biology
Zachary Robert Burns
BS Occupational Safety & Environmental Health
Peter Francis Caceci
BS Chemistry
Tyler Joseph Campbell
BS Applied Engineering & Technology Management
Hannah Naomi Card
BSE Technology and Engineering Education
Samantha Jeanne Carlson
BS Meteorology
Richard M. Carr
BS Chemistry
Chen Olivia
BS Applied Engineering & Technology Management
Nathan S. Childers
BS Occupational Safety & Environmental Health
Ashley Faith Christenbury1
BS Biology
Vlad Teodor Ciuta
BSE Technology and Engineering Education
Bridget Coates
BS Biology
Amber Christine Coble
BSN Nursing
Kayla Confer1
BSN Nursing
Lacey A. Corl
BSN Nursing
Xavier A. Corniel
BS Computer Science
Jonathan Kevin Cotton
BS Occupational Safety & Environmental Health
Brandon Scott Creasy
BS Applied Engineering & Technology Management
Sharon Patricia Curcuru
BS Biology
Jenna N. Davis
BS Chemistry
John Michael DeChristofaro II
BS Meteorology
Matthew J. DellOrfano
BS Mathematics
Holly Noel DeLong
BS Allied Health Technology
Kenneth Earl Deubler
BSE Technology and Engineering Education
Dylan Dewald
BS Computer Science
Emily B. Dinkel
BS Biology
Carla DiStasio
BSE Technology and Engineering Education
Sarah A. Dolheimer1
BSN Nursing
Evan Dorsey1
BS Occupational Safety & Environmental Health
Jillian Dunham
BSN Nursing
Joseph M. Dunton
BS Computer Science
Mallory Margaret Dyson1
BS Biology
Brian Michael Ekstrom
BS Computer Science
Meghan Elizabeth Emery
BSE Mathematics
Daniel R. Erb1
BSN Nursing
Girum D. Erkalo
BS Chemistry
Kevin Faccenda
BS Biology
Alexander Dmitri Xiahou Farley
BS Applied Engineering & Technology Management
John Lorenzo Fazio
BS Computer Science
Samantha Ferguson
BS Biology
Jordan Elizabeth Fessler
BS Biology
MacKenzie Lace Fiene
BS Biology
Robert A. Fisher
BS Biology
Clara M. Forney1
BS Biology
Matthew Ian Fossett
BS Computer Science
Matthew James Frank1
BS Occupational Safety & Environmental Health
Cori Tyler Frazee
BS Computer Science
Cheryl Ann Frederick1
BSN Nursing
Dawson Freeman
BS Mathematics
Colin James Frey
BS Occupational Safety & Environmental Health
Jordan Michael Frick
BS Applied Engineering & Technology Management
Kendra J. Fultz1
BSN Nursing
Simona Gavrilovici
BS Chemistry
Brian D. Gellert
BS Biology
Madeline R. Giardina1
BS Biology
Multidisciplinary Studies
Madalynn J. Gingrich1
BSN Nursing
Brian Godwin
BS Occupational Safety & Environmental Health
Matthew Brooks Godwin Jr.
BS Biology
Regina M. Gonnella
BSN Nursing
Kaitlyn P. Goode
BS Meteorology
Multidisciplinary Studies
Dana Lee Goodyear
BS Meteorology
Michael Charles-Jacob Graham
BS Automation & Robotics Engineering Technology
Danielle Rebecca Greene
BSE Earth Sciences
Edward Griffith
BSN Nursing
Jeremiah D. Griffiths
BSN Nursing
Nataleigh Taylor Gruver1
BSN Nursing
Harrison Shepard Hall
BS Occupational Safety & Environmental Health
Matthew B. Hamel
BS Meteorology
Benjamin Jacob Hamm1
BSN Nursing
Robert James Hannigan1
BSN Nursing
Courtney Rose Harbaugh
BS Meteorology
Brianna Harkins1
BS Biology
Hillary Harris1
BSN Nursing
Daniel Hartenstine
BS Computer Science
Christa R. Herrick
BSN Nursing
Christopher Andrew Higgins
BA Geography
Jessie Allen Hildebrandt
BS Computer Science
William Forrest Hoge
BS Occupational Safety & Environmental Health
Destinee Elexus Holloman
BS Physics
Gabrielle Lena Holmes
BSE Mathematics
Rachel Ellen Horak
BS Meteorology
Meagan Irene Houser1
BSN Nursing
Sara Nicole Housseal
BS Meteorology
Melinda Sue Houston
BSN Nursing
Sarah Morgan Hower
BSN Nursing
Rachel Louise Hubbs
BS Mathematics
An Huynh
BS Computer Science
Dylan James Hyer
BS Occupational Safety & Environmental Health
Anthony J. Iampietro
BS Meteorology
Justin Dean Jacobs
BS Computer Science
Emily N. Jacobsen
BS Biology
Jenelle Lyric Johns
BSN Nursing
Desmond Johnson
BSN Nursing
Alexander Bond Johnston
BS Chemistry
Christopher Laurence Jones
BS Computer Science
Quadirah N. Jones
BS Computer Science
Leah Elizabeth Kaercher
BS Biology
Kayla R. Kalisa
BS Applied Engineering & Technology Management
Joseph Matthew Kaskel
BSE Technology and Engineering Education
Nisha Katuwal
BS Mathematics
Thomas Lee Kauffman
BSE Technology and Engineering Education
Courtney Lynn Kearns1
BS Chemistry
Kaylee Keech
BS Biology
Samantha Keenan1
BSN Nursing
Benjamin W. Kegerise
BSE Mathematics
Jared A. Keim
BS Applied Engineering & Technology Management
Samantha Lee Keller
BS Biology
Olivia Catherine Keys
BS Biology
Lauren Kieffer
BS Computer Science
Heather Lynn Kinney1
BSN Nursing
Steven Knauss
BS Applied Engineering & Technology Management
Bryan Edward Knight
BS Meteorology
Kayla Michelle Knorr1
BA Geography
Kasey Lynn Kocher
BS Computer Science
Katlyn Alexa Kozell
BS Biology
Olga Sergeyevna Kozlovskaya1
BSN Nursing
Brian William Kraft1
BS Occupational Safety & Environmental Health
Nathan Joseph Kury
BS Automation & Robotics Engineering Technology
Corey M. Kurz
BS Mathematics
Donna Kay Langan
BSN Nursing
Maryjoseph H. Lasap
BS Biology
Devin Alexa Lathan1
BSN Nursing
Rachel Rebecca Laughlin
BS Chemistry
Kaylee Brooke Laughman
BSN Nursing
Jin Ju Lee1
BSN Nursing
Stephanie Lynn Leedom
BS Biology
Cole Douglas Lefever
BS Manufacturing Engineering Tech
Amber L. Leighton
BS Mathematics
Cody Austin Leisey
BSE Technology and Engineering Education
Eryn Abigail Leister
BS Biology
Jenna Renee Lelii
BSN Nursing
Justin M. LePore
BS Computer Science
Alexis Adele Licopoli
BS Biology
Kay Marie Liebl
BS Biology
Alyce E. Liptock
BSE Mathematics
Susan Elizabeth Lloyd
BSE Mathematics
Brady L. Logsdon
BS Biology
Kayla M. Long
BS Biology
Andrew M. Longua
BS Applied Engineering & Technology Management
Gabriela Lopez
BS Biology
Megan Marie Luczkowiak
BSN Nursing
Jonathan William Lutz
BS Occupational Safety & Environmental Health
Andy Ma
BS Physics
Nathan Malecky
BS Meteorology
Lisa Marie Martin
BSN Nursing
Madison Leigh Martin
BS Mathematics
Estefania Martinez Dimas1
BS Biology
Lindsay Nichole Matter
BS Biology
Kendra A. Mauk1
BSN Nursing
Tia M. Mauro
BSE Technology and Engineering Education
McKenzy Cierra McAlister1
BSN Nursing
Joseph Martin McKelvey1
BS Occupational Safety & Environmental Health
Christine L. McKim
BSN Nursing
Liam McTigue
BS Biology
Natalie Grace Medina
BSN Nursing
Maksim Y. Melnichenko
BS Mathematics
Computer Science
Nicole C. Menges-Meyers1
BSN Nursing
Matthew David Meyers
BS Meteorology
Victoria Miriam Middleton
BS Meteorology
Chandace Rae Miley1
BSN Nursing
Brandon C. Miller
BS Applied Engineering & Technology Management
Bryce A. Miller
BS Applied Engineering & Technology Management
Christina E. Miller1
BSN Nursing
Emily Rebeccah Jordan Miller
BS Applied Engineering & Technology Management
Tyler John Miller
BS Applied Engineering & Technology Management
Tera L. Mills1
BSN Nursing
Jenny Miranda1
BSN Nursing
Kerry Kilika Mock1
BSN Nursing
Christopher D. Moor
BS Meteorology
Nathaniel Xavior Morton
BS Applied Engineering & Technology Management
Jennifer Marie Mosley
BSN Nursing
Maliseni M. Mulenga1
BSN Nursing
Abigail Musser
BSE Biology
Jeffrey C. Mylin
BS Physics
Danielle N. Nabrzeski
BS Biology
Rachel Nagel1
BSN Nursing
Miranda Nell1
BSN Nursing
Rebecca Lynne Nichol
BS Biology
Jessica A. Noel
BSN Nursing
Jack Cameron Nolan1
BS Manufacturing Engineering Tech
Nicole E. Notarianni
BS Biology
Lauren E. Oler
BS Biology
Adam Hashem Omar
BS Computer Science
Lydia Marie Ostrowski
BS Occupational Safety & Environmental Health
Caitlin Grace Padden
BS Biology
Kayla Marie Pagan
BS Mathematics
Kylie Rose Painter
BS Mathematics
Matthew Pannebaker1
BS Biology
Emilee A. Parizo1
BS Biology
Jonathan David Parker
BS Meteorology
Maitri Patel1
BS Chemistry
Laura Irene Pavelko
BSN Nursing
Jordan Haley Penn
BS Biology
Benjamin Peters
BS Applied Engineering & Technology Management
Heather Peters1
BSN Nursing
Brian Pfeffinger
BS Occupational Safety & Environmental Health
Morgan Alexandra Phillips
BA Geography
Timothy Scott Plack
BS Applied Engineering & Technology Management
Cheyanne Poe
BS Biology
N.D. Powlus
BS Automation & Robotics Engineering Technology
Kevin Jacob Prendergast1
BS Computer Science
Thomas A. Przywara
BS Chemistry
Ashlei J. Queen
BSN Nursing
Heilen Ramirez-Vazquez
BS Biology
Ashley Readinger
BS Allied Health Technology
Regina Reep
BSN Nursing
Michael Gregory Restaino
BS Applied Engineering & Technology Management
Natalie Lexine Reynolds
BS Occupational Safety & Environmental Health
Kaitlyn M. Richartz
BSN Nursing
Julie Ritter1
BSN Nursing
Colin Roche
BS Mathematics
James L. Roche
BS Computer Science
Austin Robert Rodenberger
BS Biology
Patrick Roelant
BS Meteorology
Sean Jonathan Rogers
BS Applied Engineering & Technology Management
Amber Romano
BSN Nursing
Anthony David Roscoe
BS Physics
Christopher Roy
BS Applied Engineering & Technology Management
David Jonathan Ruiz
BS Biology
Nicholas James Russell
BS Computer Science
Sierra Kristen Rutledge
BS Occupational Safety & Environmental Health
Jonathan G. Sager
BS Biology
Michella Paige Salvitti1
BS Biology
Multidisciplinary Studies
Devon M. Sangrey
BS Computer Science
Brittany Sankey
BS Occupational Safety & Environmental Health
Megan Elizabeth Santiago
BS Biology
Taylor Ann Savidge
BS Biology
Micaiah Schlicher
BSN Nursing
Tanner Lee Schmitt1
BS Occupational Safety & Environmental Health
Richard B. Schoellhammer
BS Applied Engineering & Technology Management
Michael Ernest Seeger
BS Chemistry
Emily Rae Seiler
BS Occupational Safety & Environmental Health
Zane Seitz1
BS Meteorology
Janelle Leedy Shank
BA Geography
Jessica Mae Sharrow
BS Chemistry
Jamie Nicole Sheehan
BSE Technology and Engineering Education
Jacob Tyler Sheldon1
BS Computer Science
Noelle Grace Shellenberger
BSE Mathematics
Benjamin Sherron1
BS Occupational Safety & Environmental Health
Jake Shollenberger1
BA Geography
Andrew W. Simpson
BS Applied Engineering & Technology Management
Aaron M. Smith1
BSN Nursing
Kyle Robert Smith
BS Occupational Safety & Environmental Health
Tammy Lynn Smith
BSN Nursing
Troy E. Smith
BS Chemistry
Sheldon Rhashad Snell1
BS Occupational Safety & Environmental Health
Annamarie L. Snyder
BSN Nursing
Matthew David Spak
BA Geography
Amanda Spaseff
BSN Nursing
Lucas Matthew Staub
BSE Physics
Erik Steffens
BSN Nursing
Madeline Patricia Stehly
BSE Chemistry
Toiya Stello1
BSN Nursing
Alexandra Sterling1
BSN Nursing
Keana Y. Sterling
BS Mathematics
Molly Catherine Sterner
BS Biology
Rory Jack Stewart
BS Occupational Safety & Environmental Health
Kyler Jacob Stiffler
BSN Nursing
Noah Allen Stitely
BS Meteorology
Cole H. Strempel
BS Chemistry
Anthony Joseph Sundo Jr.1
BS Occupational Safety & Environmental Health
Kaylee Tada
BS Chemistry
Tyler Robert Talhelm
BS Meteorology
Douglas M. Taylor Jr.
BS Computer Science
Rebekah Lacey Teller
BS Biology
Alan A. Tobias
BS Applied Engineering & Technology Management
Katherine Tomica1
BSN Nursing
John E. Tracey1
BS Occupational Safety & Environmental Health
Christine D. Trinh
BS Computer Science
Cross Truesdell
BS Biology
Caitlyn A. Tynes
BS Biology
Elizabeth Urso1
BA Earth Sciences
Sabastian Irvan Venable
BS Applied Engineering & Technology Management
Naomi B. Vosburgh
BS Biology
Hayley Nicole Walck
BSN Nursing
Hannah A. Weaber
BS Mathematics
William Andrew Weber
BS Occupational Safety & Environmental Health
Danielle Michelle Weeks
BS Biology
Matthew Weidinger
BS Applied Engineering & Technology Management
Adam Bryce Weiner
BS Meteorology
Samuel Austen Welk1
BS Occupational Safety & Environmental Health
Benjamin Michael Wesley
BS Computer Science
Sophia Nicole Whitaker
BS Meteorology
Benjamin David Whitby
BSE Technology and Engineering Education
Aaron P. Whitmarsh
BS Biology
Dezmend Bernard Wigginton
BS Applied Engineering & Technology Management
Piper C.M. Williams
BSN Nursing
Kyle Wilner
BS Meteorology
Benjamin Joseph Woods
BS Meteorology
Aubrey Ann Yaswinski
BS Biology
Marcy Lynn Yeich1
BSN Nursing
Jessica Jane Yoder
BS Biology
Chanveboll Yun
BS Chemistry
Jessica L. Zellers
BSN Nursing
Bridget Katherine Zimmerman1
BSN Nursing
Justin L. Zimmerman1
BSN Nursing
Erika Nicole Zurita Torres1
BS Chemistry
Kenneth W. Peacock
AT Applied Engineering & Technology
Samuel Peter Martzall
AT Applied Engineering & Technology
Clark Lloyd Miller
AT Applied Engineering & Technology
Cain I. Resch
AT Applied Engineering & Technology
David Way
AT Applied Engineering & Technology
Graduates of the Integrated Studies Program
Michael Weinberg
Social Work & Public Relations
1 Summer 2020 Graduate