The American Association of State Colleges and Universities (AASCU) announced this year’s Excellence and Innovation Award winners and Millersville University is on the list. Millersville’s president, Dr. Daniel Wubah was on hand Oct. 27 to receive the award, on behalf of the University, at the opening session of AASCU’s annual meeting in Phoenix.
The awards program, now in its sixth year, honors AASCU member institutions for excellence and innovation in several major areas of campus life and leadership: teacher education, civic learning and community engagement, international education, leadership development and diversity, regional and economic development, student success and college completion, and sustainability and sustainable development.
Under the category, “Sustainability and Sustainable Development,” Millersville received the “Innovative Projects Award” for the state-of-the-art zero energy building, the Lombardo Welcome Center. In giving the award, AASCU stated that the Lombardo Welcome Center not only supports the University’s sustainability and carbon neutral goals but also directly funds community sustainability projects. Through a Positive Energy Fund, the building’s energy cost savings are redirected to provide microgrants to faculty, staff and students so they can address the interconnected economic, social and environmental challenges confronting the world. This year, the fund awarded $10,000.
“Each year, I am inspired by how AASCU institutions move the bar to serve their students and advance the economic and cultural development of their communities,” said AASCU President Dr. Mildred García. “These Excellence and Innovation Award winners truly demonstrate how our members serve as Stewards of Place, prioritizing student success and leaving a lasting impact on their regions.”
The winning programs had top-level administrative support, connected with an institution’s mission and strategic agenda, contributed to significant institutional improvements or programming, were grounded in research, and incorporated best practices.
Other winners include California State University at Bakersfield and Fresno, Columbus State University in Georgia, Oakland University in Michigan, State University of New York (SUNY) College of Agriculture and Technology at Cobleskill, Northwest Missouri State University and Southern Oregon University.
The American Association of State Colleges and Universities (AASCU) is a Washington, D.C.-based higher education association of nearly 400 public colleges, universities and systems whose members share a learning and teaching-centered culture, a historic commitment to underserved student populations and a dedication to research and creativity that advances their regions’ economic progress and cultural development. These are institutions Delivering America’s Promise of Opportunities for All.