Welcome to New Employees
The newest Millersville University team members completed New Employee Orientation on February 22, 2017.
Pictured Seated Row, L to R: Kristin Thomson, Global Education; Kalpana Timsina, Dining & Conference Services; Brenda Miller, Dining & Conference Services; John Hearn, Center for Student Involvement & Leadership; Robin Zaremski, Visual & Performing Arts Center; Stephanie Ayers, Network & Systems Services; DeAnn Eaby, Dining & Conference Services; Wanda Banzhof, Housekeeping; Stephanie Squires, Migrant Education; Patriece Campbell, Global Education.
Pictured Standing Row, L to R: Raj Karki, Dining & Conference Services; Deborah Rodriguez, Dining & Conference Services; Corynn Kuchta, Dining & Conference Services; Beverly Butch, Office of Graduate & Adult Learning; Steven Knepp, Housing & Residential Programs; Andrea Connell, Accounting; Joshuael Ortiz, Housekeeping; Dennis Brown, Dining & Conference Services; Marci Nelligan, The Ware Center; Jay Miller, Visual & Performing Arts.
New Director Named for the Center for Student Involvement & Leadership
After a national search, Millersville University has named a new Director for the Center for Student Involvement & Leadership (CSIL). John Hearn most recently served as Director of Student Life & First Year Experience at Eastern Kentucky University where he also received his bachelor’s and master’s degrees in Recreation & Park Administration. He is currently living in Lancaster, Pa.
Hearn’s new job duties at MU focus on directing student engagement and development opportunities including student clubs and organizations, multicultural programs, leadership programs, fraternity and sorority life and campus activities.
Faculty/Staff News
Drs. Rich Clark and Todd Sikora, Earth Sciences, are co-authors on “The Ontario Winter Lake-Effect Systems Field Campaign.” The article was in the American Meteorological Society’s main publication, the Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, Feb 2017 issue.
Drs. Ollie Dreon, John Ward and Sandra Deemer, Educational Foundations, presented a paper titled, “Online Teaching Efficacy: Informing Preparation through Research,” at the annual Association for Colleges of Teacher Education Conference in Tampa, Florida.
Dr. Abdelhadi Halawa, Wellness and Sport Sciences, has his co-authored research paper titled “Cross-Sectional Analysis of Food Consumption and Dietary Habits of Chinese Residing in Urban Cities” published in the Spring 2017 issue of the Asian Journal of Science and Technology. This paper examined the dietary habits, food consumption and related health practices of the residents of four Chinse urban cities located in central China (Zhengzhou, Kaifeng, Xi’an, and Ji’nan). Halawa was awarded two-year summer grants (2015-2016) by the National Office of High-End Foreign Experts of the Chinese Ministry of Education to serve as a National High-End Foreign Experts and Lead Researcher at the Henan University.
Dr. Ying WuShanley, Wellness and Sport Sciences, had a book review published in a recent issue of the Journal of Sport History. The title of the book is “Sport and the Law: Historical and Cultural Intersections,” by Samuel O. Regalado and Sarah K. Fields, eds.