Leith Sharp, director of executive education for sustainability with Harvard University’s Center for Health and the Global Environment, will visit Millersville University on Thursday, March 31, to speak, perform and entertain on the subject of sustainability. Sharp has spent more than 20 years greening universities and founded Harvard University’s Green Campus Initiative, the largest green campus organization in the world.
Workshop: “Accelerating Change” led by Leith Sharp
“Accelerating Change” will be help in the Multipurpose Room of the Student Memorial Center at 2:30 p.m. The workshop is free and open to the public.
Lecture: “A Powerful 21st Century Convergence: Sustainability, Innovation and Organizational Design” by Leith Sharp
The lecture will begin at 7:30 p.m. at the Ware Center at 42 N. Prince St. in Lancaster. A discussion will follow Sharp’s presentation.
Aimed to inspire, the event provides a hopeful glimpse of organization that rethinks traditional methods and integrates adaptations to navigate the 21st century. This empowers creativity in an engaged workforce, and supports useful, sustainable ideas generated by all community members – including millennials – and leaves us with a sense that we are on the brink of a shift is huge, necessary and doable.
Sharp will be speaking to our campus community about why 70 percent of the U.S. workforce has become disengaged, how millennials will find their way in the workforce and how humankind is going to navigate the epic amount of change it will face in the 21stcentury as a result of overshooting critical ecological limits.
In this presentation, Sharp will explore insights pertaining to innovation, sustainability and organizational design to reveal a new way forward for all kinds of organizations and communities to flourish in a state of adaptive, creative and engaged sustainability.
The evening will end on a light note with creative performances in the form of dance, poetry, music and multimedia. Performances will include:
- NetCo Dance Company
- We Rock the Mic from The Mix at Arbor Place
- Lancaster’s “Musical Revolution,” ukulele orchestra
- Artwork contribution from Nadine Gardner, director of MU Center for Sustainabilty
- Leith Sharp, accompanied on acoustic guitar by MU President John Anderson
The evening lecture and performances are free and open to the public, but tickets are required. Tickets can be obtained online by visiting ArtsMU.com or by calling 717-871-7600. Tickets can also be obtained in person at the Ticket Office located in the Student Memorial Center on Millersville’s campus, or the Ware Center, located at 42 N. Prince Street, Lancaster. Doors open one hour before the show for tickets, subject to availability.