A new school year is bringing new changes to The Snapper. When the fall semester begins, Millersville’s student newspaper will welcome a new editor-in-chief, a new faculty advisor and a greater online presence.
“The Snapper staff has changed quite dramatically,” said new Editor-in-Chief Kelsey Bundra. “Six editors from last year’s staff graduated leaving a lot of spots to fill.”
Dr. Robert Spicer, assistant professor of digital journalism, also joins the staff as the paper’s new faculty advisor.
“I want to make sure we continue to produce a great newspaper,” Spicer said. “I want the current Snapper crew to meet the standards set by the students who came before them and I want to live up to the legacy of Gene Ellis, the Snapper advisor before me, and continue to do great work.”
Despite the organization’s roster changing drastically from the previous year, Bundra expressed faith in the new team’s ability to work together to continue publishing high-quality content.
“I am determined to have a successful year,” said Bundra. “Having an open forum in which important information written by students can be shared with the student body for free is essential to any university. I have faith that we will be able to face any obstacles that arise.”
One of the obstacles Bundra and her staff will certainly face is balancing the paper’s standard print copy and an ever-growing demand for an online edition.
“We want to make our online presence stronger. This includes redesigning our website and adding multimedia elements to our stories,” said Bundra. “Going completely online is not that simple. Many people still like the idea of having a physical copy of the paper.”
Spicer plans to help the staff advance the paper to reach additional forms of media.
“We have a brand new digital journalism lab in Bassler Hall. I would love to see The Snapper take advantage of that technology to create some video and audio pieces and really expand what they’re doing in social media,” Spicer said. “We already have a great group of students who know how to write. I would love to see us develop that writing talent in new media platforms.”
Those interested in writing for The Snapper in the upcoming school year can visit thesnapper.com to fill out an application or complete one in person outside of The Snapper office in the basement of the Student Memorial Center.