The South Village C & D residents were awarded the Commander’s Award by the U.S. Marine Corps Reserve for outstanding support of the 2014 Lancaster Marine Toys for Tots Program.
Resident assistants and graduate assistant of South Village C & D took on a service learning program this semester. By organizing this type of program, residents in the residence hall would have the opportunity to serve make a difference in the lives of others without having to go much further than their rooms.
The organization chosen by South Village C & D was Toys for Tots. The mission for Toys for Tots is to collect new, unwrapped toys during October, November and December each year, and distribute those toys as Christmas gifts to less fortunate children in the community in which the campaign is conducted.
Residents were encouraged to participate through various programs offered throughout the Fall semester. They had the opportunity to come together as a community to make cards to send to the less fortunate children as well as buy gifts for the children. Resident assistant of South Village C & D, Korynn Wagner, said “There is no greater feeling than knowing a child may wake up on Christmas morning receiving a gift they never thought possible. Toys for Tots makes this a reality for so many families and children in need.”