Thursday, April 25th, 2024

Emergency Speaker System Testing

The University tested the outdoor speakers that are part of the MU Alert campus emergency system.

In late January, the University tested the outdoor speakers that are part of the MU Alert campus emergency system. A speaker was recently moved from the roof of Ganser Library to Dilworth Building due to the current renovations at the library. Across campus there are a total of four emergency speaker systems: One at the Prince Street parking lot, Lenhardt Hall, Pucillo Gymnasium and now Dilworth.

“The relocated speaker arrangement at Dilworth was tested and calibrated by the manufacturer and is fully operational. Since it has been tested and works fine in its current location, there are no plans to move it back,” said Kenneth Dearstyne, associate vice president of finance and administration at Millersville.

The speakers at Dilworth were tested all day on January 26. The announcement from the speakers during the testing indicated that it was only a test. The speakers are activated once per week to make sure they are functioning. The entire system is also calibrated and inspected by the manufacturer once per year.

Questions regarding testing can be directed to the Millersville University Police Department at 872-3433. To sign up to receive alerts, visit the MU Alert website.

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