Catch Up on Summer News
For those of you who printed out new issues of the Exchange to read while on vacation, or used your smart phones to read the latest Exchange on the beach, you should be pretty familiar with what’s been going on this summer on campus. For those of you who spent the summer in isolation away from your computers and/or smart phones, don’t worry, here’s a little compilation of what you missed.
NEW: A new category has been added to the Exchange, entitled “Need to Know.” Important information that you need to know will now be together, in one easy-to-find location including announcements, updates and more! Read more.
UPDATED: The Event Request Form, for posting upcoming events to Millersville’s online calendar, has been updated to include tips, making it easier for users to understand the content required for event submissions to be approved. Read more.
PROGRAMS: New programs and department changes taking place this fall include:
- Millersville will offer a new online certification program, the PA Certified Public Manager (CPM) program, for continuing education participants to earn a nationally recognized certification in public sector leadership/management. Read more.
- The Department of Industry and Technology will cease to exist to make way for its new designation: The Department of Applied Engineering, Safety & Technology. Read more.
- A new master’s level program, the Master of Science in Integrated Scientific Applications (MSISA), was approved, combining a specialization in applied science with pre-professional training in business, finance and accounting and organizational communication, management and leadership. Read more.
For other summer news stories, as well as faculty and staff activities, “Who Makes Millersville Special” features and more, scroll through the individual category pages or view complete issues in PDF form.
Music Preparatory Program
The Millersville Music Preparatory Program is accepting students for the fall 2011 semester! Students and adults of all levels are welcome to enroll for these individual lessons. Twelve weekly half-hour lessons are taught by University music majors on weekdays and Saturdays. Lessons begin September 10.
Lessons include piano, woodwind, brass, string, guitar, percussion, voice (voice students must be 14 years or older).
Contact the music department for an application:
Phone: 717-871-2159
Fax: 717-871-230
HR News Fall 2011
Employee Handbook
The Office of Human Resources is pleased to announce the development of an Employee Handbook. The addition of a handbook to the information currently available to all employees of the University was identified as a key operational goal. The document should serve as first step “go to” location for critical information on a wide range of topics important to all employees. The areas covered range from a summary of the organization and goals of Millersville University, employee rights and responsibilities and conduct, communications, safety and health, attendance and leave and benefits, to mention a few. Supervisors and managers are encouraged to use this information to assist new employees during their orientation and probationary periods.
The information is available on the Human Resources website and will be updated as changes to the topics become known.
PASSHE Group Health Plan (Faculty, Managers, Coaches, Nurses, Police)
Healthy U
Get a head start on Healthy U! You can now begin the next phase of the program. Start by logging onto Highmark’s website and taking the “Pledge” and the “Wellness Profile.” Watch your email for further details and instructions on how to participate to earn the lowest health plan premium for the 2012/2013 year. For more information on the Healthy U program, visit PASSHE’s website, select your appropriate employee group and then click on the “Wellness” button.
Enrollment Rule Change:
Due to healthcare reform, student status alone no longer makes an adult child eligible to be covered under your health plan. An adult child is eligible to be covered under your plan only if they do not have other employer-based coverage available to them either through their own employer or through a spouse’s employer if they are married. Eligible adult children can be enrolled in your plan during the Open Enrollment window, or any time they lose their own coverage. If they lose their own coverage, an enrollment form must be received in the Office of Human Resources no later than 60 days from the date the adult child lost their own coverage.
PEBTF Covered Employees Only (AFSCME, SCUPA, Physicians)
Enrollment Rule Change:
PEBTF recently made changes to their enrollment rules. Effective immediately, you may enroll in the health plan or add dependents at any time during the year. A “qualifying event” is not required to enroll dependents. The effective date of the coverage can be no further than 60 days retroactive from the date you submit the enrollment form to Human Resources. Please note that a qualifying event is still necessary to drop a dependent from your coverage.
Get Healthy
PEBTF recently mailed letters regarding your status in the Get Healthy program. Please read the letter carefully. If you have any questions contact the PEBTF’s Get Healthy Unit at 1-800-522-7279, active member prompt (4), Get Healthy prompt (1).
Tuition Waiver
The dates for which tuition waiver session applications need to be submitted to Human Resources are: Winter 2012: October 25, 2011; spring 2012: November 7, 2011.
State Employee Assistance Program
The State System participates in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania’s employee assistance program. United Behavioral health has been chosen as the administrator for this program. State System employees and their family members are eligible to receive up to three free confidential counseling sessions to evaluate concerns and determine the best referral. Help is available for, but not limited to, many of the following issues: Stress, job burnout, depression, work-related problems, eating disorders, financial or legal concerns, anxiety, death and dying, parent-child conflict or relationship problems.
Services are available 24-hours a day, seven days per week by calling 1-800-692-7459. Lisa Ulrich, Benefits Manager, is Millersville’s SEAP coordinator who can answer questions about the program. The services provided by SEAP are strictly confidential. You can learn more about the SEAP program on PASSHE’s website.
Employee Recognition Program
On Thursday, December 8, 2011, Millersville University will be honoring employees at the annual Service Recognition Program in the Lehr Dining Room of the Bolger Conference Center, from 4-6 p.m. Awards will be presented to faculty and staff members upon completion of five years of service, and each five years thereafter.
Anniversary dates are calculated using the start dates and formula listed below:
- July 1, 2005 – June 30, 2006 = 5 years
- July 1, 2000 – June 30, 2001 = 10 years
- July 1, 1995 – June 30, 1996 = 15 years
- July 1, 1990 – June 30, 1991 = 20 years
- July 1, 1985 – June 30, 1986 = 25 years
- July 1, 1980 – June 30, 1981 = 30 years
- July 1, 1975 – June 30, 1976 = 35 years
- July 1, 1970 – June 30, 1971 = 40 years
Employee Wellness
The employee wellness committee has events planned for the coming year. Highmark’s Drop 10 in 10 program begins on September 21. On October 18, Eleanor Isaacson will present “Are you Bitter or Better?” Foxchase Cancer Center will offer a lunch n learn about Breast Cancer on October 26. Empathy will be the topic discussed on November 8. In addition, we are accepting ideas for the second annual “Take a Hike,” which will begin in the spring 2012 semester. All events will be assigned a point value so that Healthy U participants (PASSHE Employee Health Plan) can earn points towards their annual goal.
For more information about the employee wellness program and scheduled events, visit the Employee Wellness website.
North Museum’s Science Every 2nd Program
The community is invited to meet local scientists and participate in the North Museum of Natural History & Science’s Science Every 2nd program, which aims to connect the community members with local scientists, and provide the opportunity to learn more about their current research and careers as part of their museum visit on the second weekend of every month. The schedule for this fall includes the following opportunities:
September 10: Breaking Rocks with Water: The Fundamentals of Hydraulic Fracturing -Visitors to the Museum will learn the basics of the innovative and controversial technology of “fracking” from two local professors of earth science. Dr. Sam Earman and professor emeritus Charlie Scharnberger, both of Millersville University, will help the curious understand this process and experience the power of water pressure that makes it possible.
October 8: Bats! – Dr. David Zegers of Millersville University will be at the Museum to share his expertise and affection for bats. Using specimens from the North Museum and Millersville collections, Zegers will discuss current issues facing the bat population include White-nose syndrome and windmill safety, as well as debunk some of the myths and misconceptions surrounding these unique mammals.
November 13: Better Solar Panels – Dr. Kate Plass of the Franklin & Marshall College’s chemistry department will share her progress in developing the next generation of solar panels and provide hands-on science demonstrations and opportunities for visitors to understand how this technology works.
The North Museum of Natural History & Science is located at 400 College Ave., Lancaster. Admission to the Museum is $7.50 for adults, and $6.50 for juniors (ages 3-17) and seniors (65 and over). For more information, call 717-291-3941 or visit