Friday, February 14th, 2025

National Broadcast Society Achievements

Twenty-five MU students attended the National Broadcasting Society convention in Los Angeles, five received recognition.

Five students from Millersville’s Chapter of the National Broadcasting Society (NBS) were recently recognized at the 69th convention of the National Broadcasting Society-Alpha Epsilon Rho in Los Angeles, March 16-19. Twenty-five students from Millersville University attended the conference.

Kimberly Landis

Kimberly Landis (pictured left), a junior communications and theatre major with an option in broadcasting, was named national student of the year in Alpha Epsilon Rho (AERho), the nation’s oldest broadcasting honor society. Landis serves as vice president of the University’s NBS chapter. She is currently the program director of MUTV-99, Millersville’s student-run television station, and the executive producer of “In the Zone,” a weekly sports talk program. She also announces sporting events, anchors news programs and co-produces location shoots throughout the school year.

The following students were also inducted into AERho:

Jessica Do, a junior communications and theatre major with an option in broadcasting, has been an active member of NBS for three years. She was recently elected as NBS president for the fall 2011 semester and is also the public service announcement director of MUTV-99.

Jessica Doudrick, a sophomore communications and theatre major with an option in broadcasting, has been an active member of NBS for two years. She currently serves as treasurer for NBS and is a member of MUTV-99, serving as a news anchor, production assistant and production mentor for new members of the organization.

Jordan Kuhns, a junior communications and theatre major with an option in broadcasting, has been an active member of NBS for two years. As the chief field producer for MUTV-99, Kuhns coordinates location shoots at various campus events. He is also the primary voice of Millersville University’s sports coverage and has been nationally recognized for his work with Millersville’s ice hockey team.

Danielle Singleton, a junior communications and theatre major with an option in broadcasting, has been an active member of NBS for three years. She has previously served as the communication coordinator for NBS and is currently a news producer for MUTV-99. Recently, Singleton was named station manager for Millersville’s radio station, WIXQ.

Millersville was also one of five schools recognized as a Model Chapter in the AERho society.

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