This edition of Who Makes Millersville Special features Dr. Stephanie Elzer, associate professor of computer science at Millersville University.

Q: How long have you been working at Millersville University?
A: This is my eighth year full-time, but I started out teaching here as an adjunct professor while I was working as a software engineer at
Q: What are your favorite classes to teach?
A: I love teaching, so that’s a tough question! I guess my favorites are usually “Artificial Intelligence” and “Database,” but a great group of students often matters more than the content.
Q: What do you like most about your job?
A: Getting to know the students, and anytime that I can feel like I really made a difference for a student. I had terrific faculty mentors who supported me, boosted my confidence and changed my career path, so that part of the job is very important to me.
Q: Why did you choose to teach at Millersville?
A: I went to Shippensburg for my undergraduate degree and the faculty there and the environment were wonderful for me. I don’t think that if I’d gone to a bigger school, I’d be teaching today. So when I had the chance to “give back” to the PASSHE system, I jumped at the opportunity!
A: Q: Is there a reason why you specifically chose to teach computer science?
When I was 12, my father was taking a night class at the local college. It was a programming class (using punch cards!) and he thought I would get a kick out of it, so he asked the instructor if he could bring me along; that’s how it all started. I love the process of solving problems—getting lost in the maze and designing your way out!
Q: Could you explain your involvement with the Software Productization Center (SPC) and what it is?
A: I’ve been the director of the SPC for the past three years, working with Nancy Mata, art & design, and Pat McCaskey, business administration. The SPC is a cross-disciplinary center combining computer science, business (marketing) and art & design. The goal of the SPC is to help entrepreneurs develop their software idea from concept to a marketable product.
Q: Are you involved in any other research or computer science projects?
A: I’m also involved in an ongoing collaboration with researchers at the University of Delaware. I’m working with several professors and Ph.D. students on how to automate the understanding of graphs (bar charts, line graphs, etc.) for use in digital libraries as well as for blind users. Several Millersville students have also worked on this project over the years.
Q: Do your friends, family, etc., come to you first when they have computer problems?
A: Actually, I’m not first in line, fortunately. I’m not the only computer savvy person in the family (or my circle of friends), and I’m definitely not the most patient one when it comes to technical support!
Q: Have you ever traveled anywhere interesting for computer competitions or related events?
A: I love to travel and have visited some really great places for conferences. I’ve been to England, Scotland, Germany, Spain and Greece over the last few years.
Q: Where are you from?
I’m a Lancaster County native! Well, almost. We moved to Manheim when I was four.
Q: If you could right now choose any other profession, what would it be and why?
A: Maybe a chef or a caterer. I love to cook and experiment with new foods. I would definitely want a sous chef, though! All that chopping is not fun!
Q: What is your favorite thing to do in your free time?
A: Traveling is my absolute favorite. I’m never happier than when I’m exploring somewhere new and taking my kids to see new places and experience new things is such a great feeling.
Q: What is your greatest accomplishment?
A: I’d have to say balancing everything: family, teaching, SPC, research, etc. Not that I’ve mastered it; it’s definitely an ongoing process!
One reply on “Stephanie Elzer”
Stephanie is great at whatever she works on. There is no half-way
with her….all the way and detailed and caring.
Can’t wait to see her next project.