Dr. Sandra Deemer, educational foundations, recently had two publications featured in the Educational Psychology Reader: The Art and Science of How People Learn. The first is titled “Using Action Research Methodology to Unite Theory and Practice.” The second, co-authored with Dr. Laurie Hanich, educational foundations, is titled “Teaching Educational Psychology Online: An Examination of Student Motivation and Learning in a Graduate Course.”
Melissa Gold, library, was selected for and recently attended the Association of College & Research Libraries’ Immersion Program from July 25-30th in Burlington, VT. The Immersion Program- Teacher Track focused on improving and enhancing individual instruction skills for librarians.
Dr. Jack Fischel, emeritus history, had his book The Historical Dictionary of the Holocaust, Second Edition, published in August.
Congratulations to:
Elizabeth O’Day, English, and Samuel D. Mutzabaugh, who were married on July 16.
Dr. Gregory Paul, communication & theatre, and his wife Libby who welcomed a baby girl, Emily Katherine on July 14.