Sunday, January 12th, 2025

Millersville Mall

Millersville’s purchasing department recently announced the completion of MU Mall, an online listing of preferred vendors with whom the University has discount pricing and a history of reliable goods and services.

“The purpose of the mall is to let the University community know which vendors offer faculty, staff and student discounts,” said Pat DiDomenico, administrative assistant, purchasing.

The MU Mall provides links and information to various suppliers, which are broken down by category, including advertising specialties, conference & meeting services, lab equipment & supplies, lodging, travel information and T-shirts & logo imprint clothing – to name a few.

To access the MU Mall,

  1. sign into MyVille (it is the same as your email login)
  2. click on the “Purchasing Infobutton at the top center (to see exclusive list of suppliers, and for ordering procedures)

At the bottom of the list, there is an ‘employee discount’ section for those suppliers who are authorized to provide discounts to students, faculty and staff for personal purchases.

The list of vendors continues to grow; if you know of a vendor that offers discounts, or for more information, contact DiDomenico at or ext. 3014.

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