Millersville University President Francine G. McNairy recently featured the library renovation project in her fall convocation address. In particular, we would like to highlight the following paragraphs:
“A second challenge specific to this campus involves our library. Due to renovations beginning the summer of 2011, Ganser will be out of service for two years. The library faculty and staff have begun preparing for this. Through careful coordination between library faculty and colleagues from each discipline, the extensive print collection has been meticulously weeded out. Concurrently, the electronic collection of materials has been expanded. This has been incredibly intense and detailed work, and the results are astounding.
Time does not permit me to describe in detail what will happen when the facility closes next summer. However, I assure you that plans to provide services in different ways will be announced over the coming year.
Indeed, the Ganser building will close, but the University library will not. You might think that the library is at the intersection of Frederick and George Streets, but it is actually at the intersection of scholarship, innovation, creativity and collaboration. And that’s the road to our future.”
Check out the entire convocation address here (pdf).