Oct 15 – NCSAM – Don’t go phishing at work, take part in Cyber Security Awareness Training

Reminder of Cyber Security Awareness Training

2020 has been a turbulent year for many organizations. Even with the current atmosphere of uncertainty and continuous change, there are certain concerns which cannot be ignored or placed on the back burner. One of the largest is the growing concern for cyber security risks and breaches. And believe it or not, even though our colleagues are our greatest asset, they’re also our greatest cyber security risk. According to a recent study, employee negligence is the largest information security threat.

It’s become a necessity to enforce cyber security awareness training throughout all levels and departments of the university. Offering a cybersecurity awareness training program is a necessary step to securing your intellectual property and university data. And today, it is everyone’s responsibility to care about cybersecurity.

Throughout the month of October you have the opportunity to take part in a 30 minute training module, as well as 3 short modules if you would like to take a deeper dive. Statistics show that employees that are uninformed about cyber security increase the chances of a workplace information breach. We acknowledge that we are all very busy, but please take part in this opportunity to help make Millersville become more CyberAware. The training will be open until Friday November 20, 2020.

Please use the following link to take part in the training:


Students, if you would like to take part in training as well, we have a a training opportunity for you as well. KnowBe4 has a home based training module for you and your family. Navigate to the following web address   https://www.knowbe4.com/homecourse. The password to access the course is homecourse.

If you have any questions about the awareness training program, please email muncsam@millersville.edu.