Congratulations!! You have made it to the end of National Cyber Security Awareness Month! We have bombarded you with lots of information over the last 4 weeks. Some key points:
- All users should be using their designated MFA app to get push notifications for their authentication approvals. Works with or without connectivity
- Awareness is the key to being cyber safe. So all faculty, staff, and administrators have until next Fall to complete their training. Currently only 14% of the campus community has completed the modules.
- We learned about the Phish Alert Button in Outlook and out of 980 emails that were sent, 36 people reported it as phishing, 59 clicked the link, 3 replied, and 1 person opened the attachment. So with those numbers some individuals either need to revisit the awareness modules, or watch for the red flags a little more intently.
- Learned about how the “bad guys” get in and how they can maneuver through the network to cause havoc.
In summary, it is up to EVERYONE to keep the data of the university safe and sound. Follow the protocols that Information Technology has set forth to help better secure the network and our information. I often tell the students in the Cyber Defense Organization that it is not a matter of IF you get hacked it is more like WHEN. Having good cyber hygiene on a daily basis helps us ALL.
Thanks for your time this month. If you need a refresher for anything that was covered you can always visit this blog site as a reminder You can also contact the Help Desk at 717-871-7777 or email
Until 2022 –
Todd Echterling
MU IT Security Specialist / Systems Admin / Cloud Admin / Apple Guru