Oct 18 – NCSAM – Week 3 – Faculty and Staff MFA

Welcome to Week 3 of MU NCSAM!!

So far we have learned about how awareness training can help protect our university data. Everyone has been enrolled in to required cyber security awareness training.  So far, only about 11% of the campus community of faculty, staff, and administrators have taken part in this training. Please take an opportunity to take part in the training modules. They take less than 30 minutes to complete and are a good reminder as to identifying phishing emails, how to use the Phish Alert Button in outlook to tag messages that are suspicious, password strength, among other topics.

The remainder of the month we are going to concentrate on another measure we use on campus to help keep data and accounts more secure. This week we are going to take a deeper look at Duo MFA. Duo is being used on campus to secure Faculty, Staff, and Administrators accounts. Throughout this week we will be looking at how we are currently using the tool and how we would love more people to use Duo.

So check back every day this week for information on how to make your Duo experience on and off campus easier.

If you have any questions or comments about any topic we have covered this month so far, please contact the help desk at 717-871-7777 or email muncsam@millersville.edu.