Oct 8 – NCSAM – Week 1 Recap and Week 2 Preview

Thanks for all your participation this week.  This week we:

  • Talked about how awareness training is the key to get everyone on the same page about our obligations both at work and home to keep our data secure.
  • University community is now enrolled in the Fall 2021 training campaign.
  • Passwords are our first line of defense and making a good one can be difficult.
  • Learned about password managers and what features and benefits may be beneficial to us both at work and home. Sometimes we need to invest, or most often the built in solution in our technology works just fine.

Quick Tip of the Day – #BeCyberSmart Tip: Follow the 3-2-1 rule for backing up data: Keep 3 copies of your data; On 2 different storage types; With 1 copy kept off-site”

Next week seeing it is Fall Break we are going to take a break and go Phishing. We are going to learn how to spot a spam message vs a phishing message. So hopefully you have completed your Security Awareness Training and got a head start on next weeks topic!

Have a great weekend! As always, if you have any questions about the topics we cover, feel free to reach out to the help desk at 717-871-7777 or email muncsam@millersville.edu.